I got a job!!!!

Jul 14, 2010 14:35

Hip hip hurray! I finally got a regular, full-time job again. I start on Tuesday as a bank teller. 40 hours a week, benefits, career potential. I am very, very excited. I interviewed a few weeks ago, got an offer last week and gave notice at my other jobs, but was waiting for my background check to clear to confirm the position before making the announcement.

Thank you to everyone who has cheered me on along over the last few months of multi-job chaos. I am just so delighted to have some security again.

Tomorrow is the last night I mop somebody else's floor! Last shift at the coffeeshop tomorrow. Two more lunches at the restaurant. I'm going to keep doing some odds and end days at the wine shop through the summer season, but that'll be for play money. I can't wait to actually have play money again.


In other news, I've got my new bike fitted now and have done a few short rides. When I'm chugging up hills I feel so out of shape. But when I get to the top I feel amazing, and like I've conquered the world. Now to just slowly increase my mileage.

ride like the wind, the daily grind

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