So for a long time I've kinda been in love with much of my flist. And a couple of days ago I suggested a particular journal to another friend. A while back I hooked up
ldthomps and
turnonmyheels -- because if you've got to LJ friends who both teach spin class? Well, they really should know each other. (And how is it that in my life my two best LJ friends both teach spinning when I'm the girl who has fallen off of a spin bike?!? Yeah. That's my life.)
So anyway...
I want to recommend to you two LJs that I think are worth reading for two very different reasons.
miss_tress -- So a couple of years ago there was this whole "smutbox" thing related to a very inappropriate gift that a fan gave to Michael Rosenbaum. Out of this came a smutbox challenge that paired writers and artists to create art and fic on the smutbox theme.
miss_tress was paired with me and I am forever grateful to that inappropriate fan because it brought me someone really awesome. Tress (as I like to think of her) is military, with a military spouse, so sometimes you get a little military comment that comes from the POV of someone living in that world. And I love that, because it's so real and every day. But what I really love is her comments on COMICS! She's primarily a Marvel girl (whereas I'm more DCU), but she links to the most amazing and hilarious comics-related blog entries and talks about comics in a way that never fails to crack me up. She also watches Smallville in the same way I do. Enough said.
rm -- I found rm though links to other posts related to some gender-identity issue about a month or two ago. (I don't even remember the issue, because there's so much gender stuff going on all the time you know.) Anyway... I really liked what she had to say in the comments of th epost in question and started following her LJ. Since then, I've been linked to so many interesting articles of political and cultural significance. I often lament not being able to keep up with the blogs I follow on Google Reader, but since friending
rm I don't fret as much because I always end up pointed to things of importance but also thing of interest. Plus, she's posted pics of kitties and brussel sprouts, so you really can't go wrong.
And now I'm going to watch SYTYCD results and then go to bed. I taught SAR training tonight (cold weather medical emergencies). It went great. I just wish other team members could get through their trainings in 1.5 hours like me so that we could always be at the bar earlier. I'm a little tipsy now, but that's just one more sign of a successful training. *g*