So I'm thinking about hosting a non-Jared/Jensen CW RPF ficathon. Here's what I'm thinking, Jared and Jensen can be combined with other people, just not each other. People like Chad Michael Murray, Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Sophia Bush, James Lafferty, Tom Welling, etc. OR there can be no Jared or Jensen at all. It could be Chad/Jeff or Tom/Mike or Hilarie/Sophia or something else equally awesome. There've been attempts at challenges to write Chad fic, but general challenges don't seem to work. So... I'm debating two formats:
1 - an exchange where everyone makes a request and I assign people to write for each other based on those requests
2 - I come up with some specific prompts of some sort and people sign up for a specific prompt and then write the pairing of their choice for that prompt.
Any opinions guys? Would you participate? If so, would you prefer one or the other? I thought about doing a real poll, but this is so early thought stage that it was too much to poll. I just want some general opinions from those of you whole love me and love RPF.
I'm getting feedback from strangers on my Chad/Jensen. It always amazes me when someone not on my flist reads something I wrote. This morning I finally remembered to post a link over on
cw_rps too, so I may get a few more readers from there. Rock on. There can never be too much Chad/Jensen. Or too much Chad for that matter.
Don't laugh at me, B. You either,
I finished a proofing job last night and an editing/proofing/design job this morning. The second one actually pays real money. Thank god. I've been working on it forever. It took the client a month to send me corrections. I just want to get paid, thanks.
I treated myself to Ian's Bakery this morning. A pint of chocolate milk (I've been neglecting the milk drinking lately) and a blueberry muffin that has so many blueberries the muffin itself is this bluish green color from the juices leeching into the muffin. Yummy!
I have a crap load of "IT" stuff to do today. I have to set up a new computer from the ground up (it doesn't even have an OS installed). Not hard work, just time consuming. I also need to upgrade Office for one of our managers and see if I can figure out what's going on with Excel macros in this stuff she has to use with corporate that she doesn't really understand and that the guy who's teaching her knows even less about. (He couldn't believe that every computer in the store is connected to a printer because he didn't see an actual printer attached to every computer. Apparently he's never heard of networks. And he's supposed to train people???)
Tomorrow is the Fat Tire Classic mountain bike race down at Winter Park. We're going to be working it all day for SAR. It's also the Blues from the Top concert weekend. In Winter Park. Let's just say this town is not very big. Whoever organized these events for the same weekend is a moron. Blues from the Top is usually July 4th weekend. I don't know why they moved it.
Sunday we have swift water team training in a lake. Chris and I don't have wet suits yet because we don't have the money. I'm shivering already. We'll wear our river fleece, splash pants, and dry tops to stay warm. But I want the extra flotation of a wet suit, damn it.
I think that's all I've got. So tell me what you think about Chad RPF.