Feb 04, 2007 21:01
So people came and are now gone and the kitchen is cleaned and I'm back to working on my index that's due tomorrow (it was originally due on 2/8, but they asked me on Wed. if I could do it by Friday. I said no, and stupidly agreed to tomorrow. What was I thinking? I don't know. And I don't know if I'll make it, but they aren't paying a rush rate so if I collapse into bed and don't finish tonight I don't really care.).
The Bears lost. *sigh* But then I wasn't really watching most of the game because I cannot entertain and watch football at the same time. Especially not with two kids running around freaking out my dog (and making sure said dog doesn't snag food off the table). Thank goodness they are gone. Their parents are very nice though (not that the kids were bad, they just thought there'd be other kids here to play with and stuff to do and well ... not much kid stuff in my house and they were bored).
So this index? Is for a book on congressional procedures. I don't know that I've ever read anything so boring and I've read some pretty boring stuff in my time. This is just ... dry. Really freakin' dry. A whole 40-page chapter on House floor procedures. *weeps*
So it's back to the grind for me.