The Super Secret Fandom Shame meme
I wasn't going to do this, but like
knotted_rose I've been so amused by some of yours that I can't resist. I don't shame easily, but reading other lists has reminded me of a couple things. *blushes*
1. My first fandom was La Femme Nikita and I was so into it that I would imagine elaborate plots and put myself into the stories. This meant that I would walk down the hall at work like a woman on a mission, slip around corners, look both ways before silently opening a door and slipping through to the other side. I'd imagine I had a gun and I was on my way to assassinate someone, that I was just undercover as a lowly editorial assistant to get to the big guys at the top who were using a medical journal to hide their terrorist activities. I devoured fic and any time something had an original character in it, I imagined myself as that character. (Yes, I had some issues those first few years after college, why do you ask?)
2. My second fandom was Dawson's Creek. In the summertime I lived for the updates to the online character diaries. I devoured fic and was horribly upset when CapesideDiaries (the best DC fanarchive) shut down. I have DVDs. I still watch it on TBS when I'm home on a weekday. Pacey & Joey 4EVAH!!! *ahem* As
silvertedy can attest to, when it was announced in season 5 that someone was going do die, I got all bouncy hoping it would be Dawson. Alas, it was just his father. I still cry my eyes everytime I watch the finale. I love this show. Love it, love it, love it. There should be no shame in that.
3. I'm a fic snob. I edit fic that I save on my hard drive. But I'm not the only one, so I need not feel ashamed of that. I love writing in ficathons, but I get really pissy when the fics written for me suck ass. I hate not getting feedback from the people I write for, though, so I always come up with something to say to the person who wrote for me. I don't read many communities because unintentionally badfic makes me cry.
4. I will read or write any pairing. Any. I'm cheap and easy like that. As long as it's in my fandom (and sometimes even when it's not), it's fair game. But if I can't get past the 3rd para without cringing, I'm out of there. However, if I get through the first chapter, I'm stuck even if it ends up really sucking. I have to finish it. This has caused me much agony a few times.
5. I'm petty (but I keep it to myself). I've never been nominated for a fic award. And I'm okay with that, because I don't necessarily think my fics are award worthy. However, I read some of the crap that not only gets nominated, but wins and I want to quit writing all together. I get all bitter that shitty fic with formulaic sex, no plot, poor characterization, and tons of cliches gets praised as so freakin' amazing and wonderful. And then I feel bad for thinking mean thoughts. And after that I think maybe I should just start writing crappy, formulaic S/X since that's what everyone wants to read. And then I remind myself that I write for me, not for feedback. And then I get bitter all over again. rinse. repeat.
6. I have an abandoned WIP that I will never finish. It has some stuff in it that I love, but overall I don't like it anymore. I don't want to finish it. I want to strip out the good stuff and use them in another fic.
7. I have a slightly weird draw to incest fic. I'm very particular about what I'm interested in and what I'm not. I've been careful to avoid Shannon/Boone (Lost) because I don't need another addiction, but they really do it for me. I desperately wanted Tru/Harry (Tru Calling) and have been tempted to write some myself, just to satisfy my kink. And finally, there's the whole RFK/JFK fascination. I've only seen
one such story, but damn is it good.
7. 8. Last, but not least. I am a ficathon addict.