Why am I so lame?

Sep 16, 2005 17:06

I never update this thing. That makes me lame. Oh well.

School bites my ass. Works sucks my ass. Homework kicks my ass. This semester sucks. That's enough about school cause it puts me in a bad mood. This 11 hour shift at work has the same effect.

Let's talk about something wonderful: Tailgating.
Two tailgates down, four more to go.
The first tailgate was on September 3rd, the day after Iluj's birthday. Most of the group (myself not included because I had to drive) was still drunk from the night before. Awesome, simply awesome. People came, people went. The day was filled with good music, good drinks and good friends. I guess MSU won some football game also, so that's cool. At one point, Juli disappeared for a while. I thought she had gone to the Port-o-Johns, so I got suspicious once 15 minutes passed by. I got up to go look for her and as soon as I round the back of the car, I see my side door open. Guess whose legs are sticking halfway out the door? Yes, Juli's. She had passed out face-first in my backseat. I was cool with it because there was no puke or drool involved. She emerged a hot mess about a half hour later. What a trooper. Eventually, it was just me, Juli and Andy there. Andy was laying on the ground with the styrofoam top to a cooler on my head. Some medical student came over to see if he was OK and Andy simply gave him a thumbs up. Awesome.
My battery had died so we had to get a jump from a *yuck* DPPS truck *ick*. It pains me to say that.
So, we left about halfway through the game and went to Kara's house. Once there, Juli ordered BDubs chicken for us. I didn't even know she was alive and she was ordering us chicken. Brilliant.
Kristen, Andy, Juli and I went to pick up the chicken. Juli stayed in the car and got laughed at by all the passers by. Haha, I would have laughed too.
Once home, Juli walked into the living room and passed out on the floor. Every once in a while she would wake up, sit up, take a bite of chicken, take a drink of water and fall back down. That's my girl.
Anyway, that is how the first official tailgate of 2005 went. Bitchin'.
To all my tailgate friends... I'll see you on October 1st. It's the MSU v UofM game, so bring whatever weapons you have, legal or not.
I'll save the post about the second tailgate and how bitchin' it was for another day. Spread this shit out a little.

PS Kristen, if you read this, you best make yourself appear for a tailgate sometime soon. Ya heard?
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