Swiped this from
annie2791 . Cause you want to read all about me, I know you do:
1. What curse word do you use the most?
It's probably shit, but I do use fuck quite a bit. It's versatile.
2. Do you own an iPod?
Yes. It is my baby.
3. What person on your flist do you talk to the most?
Toss up between
princessleia04 ,
aislinntlc and
gabeneutrino .
4. What time is your alarm clock set to?
5. Do you still remember the first person you kissed?
Oh, Phil Rogers. Our love will endure forever.
6. Do you remember where you were on 9/11?
In the music building at Ohio University. As the news spread, we all came out of our practice rooms to hug and cry.
7. Would you rather take the picture or be in the picture?
I secretly LOVE to have my picture taken. LOVE. Cause I'm vain.
8. What was the last movie you watched?
9. Do any of your friends have children?
Some, and some have babies on the way.
10. Has anyone ever called you lazy?
My husband!
11. Do you ever take medication to help you fall asleep?
Quite often. I have a sleeping problem.
12. What cd is currently in your cd player?
What's a cd? Seriously, though, Tiesto has been on repeat on my iPod.
13. Do you prefer regular or chocolate milk?
Both and Yoohoo too!
14. Has anyone told you a secret this week?
Yes, and my lips are sealed.
15. When was the last time you had Starbucks?
Friday, thanks to my awesome assistant, Allison.
16. Can you whistle?
A happy tune, whenever I feel afraid.
17. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
I'm into lips and cheekbones.
18. What are you looking forward to?
Summer and a new puppy.
19. Did you watch cartoons as a child?
Yes, and because I was a child of the 80's they were QUALITY.
20. Do you own any band t-shirts?
Yes. Definitely.
21. What will you be doing in one hour?
Cafeteria duty. UGH.
22. Is anyone in love with you?
23. What was the last song you heard?
Shine, Cyndi Lauper
24. Last time you cried?
I actually don't remember
25. Are you on a desktop computer or a laptop?
26. Are you currently wanting any piercings or tattoos?
Too chicken, but I always think about it.
27. What's the weather like?
Perfect for writing. Cloudy, foggy, damp, dark, chilly.
28. Would you ever date a girl/guy covered in tattoos?
If it wasn't the "I heart Mom" variety, sure!
29. What did you do before this?
Fire drill with 4th graders
30. When is the last time you slept on the floor?
Yesterday. Nap with Doggy.
31. How many hours of sleep do you need to function?
Hardly any, I just have to be consistent with it.
32. Do you eat breakfast daily?
Not on Saturdays.
33. Are your days fast-paced?
34. What did you do last night?
Watched the storm, went to the grocery store, watched Keith and Family Guy, read, chatted.
35. Do you use sarcasm?
No. Never. Not me.
36. How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
29. Eek.
37. Are you picky about spelling and grammar?
Most definitely.
38. Have you ever been to six flags?
39. Do you get along better with the same sex or the opposite sex?
I seem to have more fun with girls sometimes, but I enjoy talking with men more.
40. Do you like mustard?
Yes please.
41. Do you sleep on your side?
I'm a tummy sleeper.
42. Do you watch the news?
I watch Keith, my girlfriend Rachel, and Jon.
43. How did you get one of your scars?
Fell off a bike when I was 4 or so and shattered my pinky.
44. Who was the last person to make you mad?
A parent at this school who is trying to seize power like some crazy Nazi.
45. Do you like anybody?
I like a lot of people...?
46. What is the last thing you purchased?
The new Dave Matthews album.
47. What side of the heart do you draw first?
48. Can you dive without plugging your nose?
Yup! Worked real hard on that when I was 6!
49. What colour is your razor?
50. What is your blood-type?
Um...am I a horrible person for not knowing?
51. Who would you want to be tied to for 24 hours?
My husband. Any of my girlfriends cause they'd make it fun. (Remember Angie, Mel and I getting stuck on the side of the road and making up javelin throwing games? Cause I do). And let's be real. Dan Radcliffe kind of ranks up there.
52. What is a rumour someone has spread about you?
I believe I was pregnant with the high school band director's baby once.
53. How do you feel about carrots?
I am Switzerland.
54. How many chairs at the dining room table?
55. Which is the best Spice Girl?
I don't know...which one gets to nail Beckham?
56. Do you know what time it is?
57. Do you know all the words to the Fresh Prince Theme Song?
Yes. Quiz me.
58. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator?
Read or sleep or write. If I was with someone, I'd totally start Truth or Dare.
59. What's your favorite kind of gum?
I can chew gum now! Fuck you, TMJ. The mojito flavored stuff, though I can hardly find it anymore.
60. T or F: All's fair in love and war?
Sure. It's not like they're very fair to begin with.
61. Do you have a crush on anyone?
No. *hides posters of Dan Radcliffe, Adam Lambert, Rachel Maddow, and Michael Cera*
62. Do you know how to use some words correctly, but not know the meaning?
I don't know how to answer this. Sometimes words just come to me when I need them and I KNOW that I know what they mean, even if I'm not conscious of it. I'm a writer, after all.
63. Do you like to sleep?
It's like, my favorite thing in the world.
64. Do you know which US states don't use Daylight Savings Time?
65. Do you know the song Total Eclipse of the Heart?
Know it. Love it. Sang it with a big group of Leaky Staffers not too long ago. Love Leaky Staffers.
66. Do you want a bright yellow mustang?
No... make that a Jeep and I'll go for it.
67. What's something you've always wanted?
A role in a Broadway musical.
68. What's the last thing you bought off of the internet?
69. Would you rather swim in the ocean or a lake?
Ocean. Definitely. Lakes kind of weird me out.
70. Do you wear a lot of black?
Yup. Love me some dark colors.
71. Describe your hair:
Reddish blond, long layers, naturally wavy/curly, and lots of it.
72. Do you have Entomophobia?
I had to effing look that up. Bitches. Only house centipedes.
73. Are you an adult?
Not really
74. Where is/are your best friend(s)?
All over the freaking place. Seriously. Sometimes I hate it so much.
75. Do you have a tan?
Not right now, but I do tan well.
76. Are you a television addict?
77. Do you enjoy spending time with your mother?
Yes. She's a lovely woman, even if she thinks I'm 6 still.
78. Are you a sugar freak?
Not really. More like salt.
79. Do you like orange juice?
Yes, the more pulp the better. Actually, just pulverize an orange and hand me a straw.
80. What sign are you?