Nov 01, 2005 09:58
me :dylan and i had taken a break
a friend : did it have chinese chickens in it?
a friend : oh ok
me: and i had gone out to l.a. with my new lesbian girlfriend
me: and she was there for work
a friend : wow, that's hot, haha
a friend : j/k
me: and we were having a great time
me: then all of the sudden i decided this wasn't what i wanted
me: and she left me in this huge mall
me: then all of the sudden my parents show up to help me find my way out of the mall
a friend : wow
me: and dad gets hung upside down on a disney ladder things
a friend : interesting
me: well, we get a cab
me: and i call the girl and fin dout the hotel we're staying in and how i can get my ticket cuz i'm leaving
me: and i end up trying to buy a cookie from this stand
a friend : haha
me: then i realize that i left my id and credit card wit hthe last stand
me: so i'm wandering around the mall trying to get out and to find my id and cc.
me: i get those back, buy my cookie
me: then we go to the hotel'
me: but on the way i decide that i need to buy some tampons
a friend : haha
me: but we can't find anywhere that has any
me: and it was awful cuz i was so upset
a friend : awww
me: and i'm on the phone with dylan trying to tell him i want to come back and also trying to find some tampons
a friend : what a weird dream...
me: then i woke up
a friend : haha
me: so strange