Apr 17, 2008 22:05
I am done, I am done, I am done *does insane happy dance* I finished school for the semester tonight. Of course I had to get through two three hours exams separated by half an hour and My God how much did that suck. But I did it and only have a minor migraine headache. So my exams were Greek History and Prehistoric and Indigenous art of the Northwest Coast, classes that are at totally different ends of the spectrum. I think the History exam when well, I had an answer for every question which I always take as a good sign. But my Archaeology exam sucked so bad. The test in of itself was simple with fill-in-the-blanks and "answer in one sentence" types of questions but the questions were insanely hard. I made sure to put an answer for every question but most of those answers I pulled out of my ass and I doubt they are right. But that's OK. I think that the worst I'm going to do in any of my classes is a C and after the last couple of semesters where I flunked all my classes because I was either worrying about and taking care of my Mom, I am quite fine with that. Now I am going to bed and I am going to sleep for a week.