1. Go to Career Cruising, www.careercruising.com
2. Put in Username: nycareers and Password: landmark.
3. Take their "Career Matchmaker" questions.
4. Post the top twenty results
5. Mark the careers you have seriously considered in bold (or as I've done with an asterisk)
Your Career Suggestions
Careers that suit your answers are listed below under Interest Rank. The best matches are at the top of the list. Click on a career to learn more about it and how it suits your answers. Your matching
Career Clusters are also listed below.
Interest Rank
Mediator 2.
Casting Director 3.
Physical Education Teacher 4.
Elementary School Teacher 5.
Historian 6.
High School Teacher 7.
Early Childhood Educator 8.
Anthropologist 9.
Communications Specialist 10.
Writer 11.
Personal Trainer 12.
Corporate Trainer 13.
Artist 14.
ESL Teacher 15.
Director 16.
School Counselor 17.
Teacher Assistant 18.
Kinesiologist 19.
Political Aide 20.
Adoption Counselor 21.
Music Teacher / Instructor 22.
Professor 23.
Animal Trainer 24.
Clergy 25.
Religious Worker 26.
Community Worker 27.
Civil Litigator 28.
Lawyer 29.
Corporate / Commercial Lawyer 30.
Public Policy Analyst 31.
Addictions Counselor 32.
Website Designer 33.
Lobbyist 34.
Marriage and Family Therapist 35.
Probation / Parole Officer 36.
Judge 37.
Genetic Counselor 38.
Human Resources Specialist 39.
Special Effects Technician 40.
Critic I cannot really see myself doing 1-4, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, or anything past 29.