あまりにキレイな夢を観て 現実など忘れてしまった…

Jun 29, 2009 22:41

This is mainly for my friend Jenni's benefit :D

One of the vocaloid groups from Supanova yesterday (with a random maid!Chii? idk xD):

And the other, who I couldn't get clear pics of (was too far back when they did their skit) but, luckily someone uploaded it on youtube :D

image Click to view

I can't watch it atm coz youtube is lagging for me D: but... from what I remember (I only caught the end of it when they did it) it was pretty awesome xD

...I wish someone did Gakupo though D:

And, completely unrelated, but doing it now before I forget...


..yeah, he's a man ¦D;;; He probably shouldn't be though, lol *shot*
Anyway, it's Sakito's birthday!! He's one of the guitarists of Nightmare coz that's not obvious from the picture, haha. It was hard choosing just one picture, coz Saki really is quite lovely and I like a lot of his outfits (as skanky as they can be) so... more pics under the cut, just because :3

I love his Djianism (or however the hell you spell it, "ジャイアニズム") outfit... I have the photobook <333 it's a precious possession, lol. Even if I don't love Naito the way I used to ^^;

I really loved that outfit, too <3

So pretty~ *3*

Fun fact: I once had this as my profile pic on facebook, and I had 2 bisexual chicks from California try and add me. I bet they thought Saki was me? xD;;;;;;

It's pretty old, but for some reason I've always liked this pic ^^

Picspam終了! ヾ(@°▽°@)ノ

And since it's Saki's birthday, does that mean it's his alter ego Satty's birthday too? I figure as much, so~ 8D


Satty being the guitarist of Sendai Kamotsu (仙台貨物), Nightmare's gay alter-ego band xD;;; I love Satty, he has glasses! :D Yes...

Hey, narcolepticnemu~ you could totally celebrate Saki's birthday on SIH with a pic of your ninjatofu!Satty, lmfao xD;;;;

*cough* anyway... that's about it for now ^^


birthdays, photos, youtube, supanova, vocaloid, nightmare

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