I am SO tired -_-;;; My feet are killing me... stupid (but awesome) boots xD;;;
Anyway... oh yeah,
bouncy_b_britt, I *think* I saw you today, but I was kinda zoning, and by the time I thought "oh wait, maybe that was her" you were lost in the crowd *fails* I'm sorry!! ;A; And then I didn't see you, maybe you left, idk. I did spend a lot of time in line for Chris Sabat, too ^^;
You'll be going to either (or both of) Animania or SMASH though, right? I'll definitely be at SMASH (sharing a table with friends on the sunday, I think?) but I'm not sure about Animania yet, too far away to think about xDD but if we both go to one, we should make a conscious effort to meet up! ^^
Moving on... today was ok. Except, I slept though my alarm DX I swear, I don't even remember turning it off or anything, gah. But yeah, I woke up just after the train I'd intended to catch ¬.¬ so... a mad rush later, I got the next one (...there's only a train every hour or so on weekends, haha). And I'm glad I decided to go to Wollongong instead of North 'Gong (I had intended to get money out from the commbank atm along the way, but didn't have time) because while I made it to the train with minutes to spare... I heard a lady on the train after we went through North 'gong saying that the ticket machine was broken, so she (and most likely everyone else) couldn't buy tickets (there's no one at the ticket window at nth 'gong on sundays.... yeah, it's gay ¬.¬). Apparently there was a technician fixing the machine, so I guess at least cityrail knew (though for once there wasn't any transit officers or cops checking tix... I normally end up on the ones they do, lol xDD like when I went home on the train on friday xD)
Anyway, so... yeah, bad start, but meh xD I got to Olympic Park a fair bit later as a result, but I doubt I missed much xDD;;; Today in a nutshell, coz I'm tired and need sleep, so I'll go into detail later:
there was some good cosplays, I took some more pics today. there was two (TWO!) vocaloid groups, which was awesome! One was better though, they had everyone... except Gackpoid, sadness D: I'd die if I saw a gakupo cosplay, BAHAHAHA. But yeah, they were cool. And there was a Genesis!! I got her pic (it was a chick doing it), she was really good... though her wig was a little off (it should have been straighter, but... meh, I'm fussy xD) but the coat was awesome *_*
There was totally a stall selling lolita stuff, that I somehow missed completely yesterday, omfg 8D;; ...I bought a skirt and a petticoat :D I probably shouldn't have, the skirt was a little expensive though not compared to how much japanese brands cost... but it's sooooo pretty ;3; and the girl who's stall it was was real nice, and gave me her card... she's based in Melbourne, she said, but she ships all over Australia ^^ She had some really cute things....
Tamarket guy was still hawt ¦D;;;;;
stood in line for 219837863245 hours to get stuff signed by Chris Sabat (Spike was signing, but then he was sick, or something... idk. I didn't have anything for him to sign, anyway ¦D). But no, really... the line was fucking HUGE. Vegeta is popular xDD I was in line for about an hour, maybe more... I got to talking to the guy and girl behind me, since we were standing for so long xD;;;; they were nice ^^ I nearly ended up hanging with the guy after we eventually made it to the front and got signatures, but his friends messaged him to meet somewhere so we didn't xD;; I never even got his name or number, but he was nice, I even got a hug 8D;;; And he made Chris do the 9000 line and record it on his phone, LOL. 'twas awesome.
...oh, and while my furuba dvd didn't have Ayame on the cover before (I even apologised to Chris, though when I put it down he was like "oh awesome :D") ...it does now, LOL. And I got him to sign the fma dvd where it's got armstrong, roy & hughes on the cover, all dressed up and drinking.... and now Armstrong is saying "Wussy drinks!" xDDDDDDDD I'll take pics later, bahaha.
oh yeah, this is irrelevant to everyone but jinnizzle and garnetgeisha, but... I also ran into Kyle (from ling/jap) at one point :D Actually, I walked past him and didn't notice *was totally zoning* and he poked me, lol xDDD
they didn't have any Code gayarse figs left today D: SADNESS, no attempt to get Lelouch for me ;o; They didn't have the Haruhi ones, either. So... I got another FMA one and 2 more FF ones (nee, Shou-kun... if I get another Tidus, you can have him ^^). I haven't opened them yet though... maybe tomorrow xD
didn't attend panels today... I kinda forgot, lol. Oh well.
due to spending a great deal of my afternoon in line (ah, the nostalgia from that time with Vic xDD though I don't think I've ever had such an epic time waiting in line for something, since then... lol) and then umm-ing and aah-ing over whether to buy the lolita skirt for so long... I totally didn't make it back to the city before the markets shut, LOL *fails* So... no coat for me D: I guess I'll just have to go sometime over the break, idk.
um... I think that's the important bits. I'll sort my pics tomorrow I guess... maybe ¦D;;; I might scan stuff tomorrow actually, coz it's easier to do here than at home, and there's stuff I really want to scan in. But... I'll get to the photos asap. After I finish playing with my Melbourne pics, though xD *hates doing things out of order* It'll get done eventually~ :3
And now, I totally want to sleep.