A Day With Desmond & Tsuka

Oct 08, 2004 16:02

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sapphire_pearl October 8 2004, 09:23:24 UTC
COOL PICTURES! And i'm hungry now... *runs off to find breakfast*


moonrakerz October 8 2004, 17:39:18 UTC
Hehehe... thank you.
Managed to grab your breakfast?
What's your typical breakfast in Liperpool eh?
Curious, do you follow the EPL?
Is Liverpool your fav. team?


sapphire_pearl October 9 2004, 03:04:22 UTC
NOPE... didn't have breakfast NOR lunch.... had dinner tho. =P
Typical breakfast ar? NONE leh... except the occassional bread, sandwich or muffins. ;) I normally tend to skip breakfast even though I do know it's a crime! I'm almost always late for uni.

EPL? Er.... Epsilon Personage Lessons? =P Dunno what's that! So I guess the answer you'd be looking for is NO. ;P

Er... I'm no football fan. Tho I did catch FIFA world cup in Japan. But I guess I support Liverpool gua...? I only give 'spiritual' support to the team. *shrieks in laughter* i.e. I go YEA if I heard they scored; or Awwww if they didn't; all in the luxury and comfort of my own home. Ekekkeke


moonrakerz October 9 2004, 08:44:38 UTC
Heheh... I think it's very normal for us to skip breakfasts these days.
Blame in on our body clock. *grins*

EPL - English Premier League. And I really thought you'd know. hehe..
Which comes to a point which you admitted. You're not a football fan. :Þ
So what sports are you into eh?


sapphire_pearl October 9 2004, 16:01:21 UTC
LOL. Yea la... very normal. but it's a 'heinous' crime to miss it. :P Wat to do my body clock is so messed up!

tehehehe... nope. din know wat does EPL stands for; not even if my life depends on it. =P NOPE. not a football fan. ;)

I prefer swimming, and gymnastics. anything tat has some sort of a dance form, i likey. ;) i would love to do gymnastics; but was never given a chance to. =(


moonrakerz October 9 2004, 16:46:57 UTC
Hehehhe... girl, sleep early. I am telling myself that
yet I'm not doing it time and again. *sobs* imagine the breakouts.

Ahhh... swimming, I'm in it but stopped for almost 2 weeks now.
Been lacking in discipline since the marathon.. haha.
Gymnastics? Hmmm... I thought it's best to start at a tender age,
since body could be more flexible and bendable. But hey,
go for it if it's gonna be something you want and like to do!
Consider aerobics maybe? Or ballet? CLUBBING? it's sports too.. heheh


sapphire_pearl October 9 2004, 16:56:04 UTC
LOL. I'm trying I'm trying! HOnest!..hahaha it's hard ler... i'm more afraid of the black circles! *GRRR* I dun break out too bad normally.

Marathon? what marathon? COOL...

Yeap, it is best to start gymnastics off at a young age; but if i were given a chance again, i'd pick it up. BUT since I can't now, i fully intend to pick up ballet here at uni. ;) CLUBBING??? ER... rite. I dun drink, and I'm not TAT good at dancing. So =D


moonrakerz October 9 2004, 17:35:00 UTC
Let's not talk about dark circles.. haha.
Mine is beyond hope. Worse than panda's. *grins*

I joined the 21km run not too long ago.. and have been lazy eversince.
hehehe... recuperating, soring feet. eheheeh...
*knee-jerk effects, so they say.. haha*

Whoever said you MUST drink when clubbing, perhaps mineral water
just so you won't get dehydrated so easily. but you don't have to
drink alcoholic beverages. Those are optional ya know.. hehe
And the other thing is; you don't have to be good at dancing
while clubbing, just enjoy yourself! That's more important.
At least 40% of the people I observe in clubs, suck at it.
hehehe.. so no worries..


sapphire_pearl October 9 2004, 22:55:09 UTC
Hahahaha... Rite O. Mine's on the way! *grins* We can soon start a endangered species of panda...

OIC... 21km run? around KL? some sort of rat race again in Malaysia. YIKES. I hate sports. =P At least the ones that make you sweat like a pig.

LOL. Well no one said that, I hguess I could do mineral water. OH SHUCKS... I knew I should have said, the noise levels and the smoke are not enjoyable! =P Do you go clubbing a lot in KL?


moonrakerz October 10 2004, 05:24:34 UTC
Hahaah... great idea! I'm sure there are many out there.
Hmmm... but that makes us common already rite?
No longer endangered. heheh.

Yeah, a 21km run, the PJ Half-Marathon.. It was strenuous alright.
Till my feet hurt for a couple of days. Nipples sore too. hahah.
Abrasion. I didn't know/understand that term till I experienced it.

Hahahah... you're right. The noise levels and smoke are
some of the top 5 reasons I hardly hang-out in clubs.
So that pretty much answered your questions right? hehe.
However, from time to time, given free passes and pushing
from friends, I might go. Never say never right? :Þ


sapphire_pearl October 10 2004, 19:03:16 UTC
LOL.... well but some are not chinese u c.... this is a endangered CHINA panda club. =P And I don't think we're in any risk of extinction. In fact I think we're increasing in numbers. =/ Maybe we should change the name of the club a lil.... any ideas?

Hahahahha, personally I would never have gone on the marathon... too much of a 'siu cheh' to do it. And I wouldn't wanna get tanned from all the sun exposure! BUT yo, 21km.... WOW. Congrats on finishing the race!

BLAH, here in the UK clubs and pubs are the same; noise levels to the max (in decibels high enuf to damage the ear!) and smoke everywhere. not to mention alcohol spilling all over.... *GRRR* My 1st time at a club, someone spilled vodka on me. BLAH. But like you, when there is a need to go out there, I might. =)

LOL.... could it be all the ah lians out there at clubs as well, is tat Y u dun go? ;)


moonrakerz October 12 2004, 05:18:13 UTC
*LoLz* Hehehe... indeed, with so many problems hitting humanity these days,
who sleeps that much anymore eh?!
How about naming the club as Crouching Pandas, Insomniac Individuals Guild.

Hahaha... so you're one of those ever "graceful" siu jiehs eh.
Hard to find girls who are both siu jieh and active in the outdoors at the same time.

Hahaha... Ah Lians have nothing to do with my not going to clubs.
Just that, it really depends on my mood when I wanna club.


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