Wasshoi! Matsuri!

Mar 16, 2010 22:12

One doorway in the Nexus leads to what most visitors would call a taste of home: a traditional Japanese festival. The host? Hikawa Shrine, of course. Upon entering the door, clothes are replaced with a yukata that suits the person's tastes, to allow them to easily get into the matsuri spirit.

Booths are lined up for a far greater stretch than the shrine allows; that's the beauty of the nexus, after all. From foods (candy apples, cotton candy, takoyaki) to activities (goldfish scooping, target practice, balloon fishing), it has all the fixings. Of course, whatever prizes you win, you will keep, even after you leave.

Atop a nice sized tower, a taiko drummer lays out a beat for festival-goers to dance around it to, if they so choose. There are even rumors of a surprise concert from one of the nexus' idols.

And of course, at the end of it all, there's a spectacular fireworks show to behold, a perfect end to the evening.

Come celebrate!

[OOC: THIS IS A MINGLING POST. You can tag whoever you want, and tags to not have to be directed towards Mars (even if she is walking around in the priestess outfit). And yes, EVERYONE is in yukata (I'm looking at YOU, Shitennou).]

mizuno ami (icebending), moon/tsukino usagi (giniru_delight), mizuno ami (reflectingwater), *open to all, zoisite (kingofdevotion), kunzite/ichiou shin (shiroi_petals), kunzite (anotherloyalty), mars (hino_hime), mercury/mizuno ami (everyonesbrain), mizuno ami/cobalt claw (cobalt_water)

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