Calamities began to occur

Nov 29, 2009 06:37

The prince is getting serious. Depending on perspective, this is either admirable or so unusual as to be scary. He sits on the edge of his bed, lost in thought for some time.

It's certain that the princess' power is dangerous. It's equally certain that he doesn't want to give her up. It's certain that the Moon Kingdom may negatively influence Earth. It's equally certain that he has no intention of allowing war to break out between the two powers. The real crux of his dilemma is how to prevent those things.

Why does he have to think about this anyway? He should be able to leave things in the hands of his advisers! But if he does that, the war will come for sure. But if he can just go to her... Didn't the princess calm down that time? He's sure he can help her.

He's still there, looking uneasily at the sword hung on the wall, when he could swear it starts to vibrate, then shake. The floor feels unsteady. A few ornaments fall from their shelves and stands, shaken to the ground. He stares in bewilderment, then hurries to his feet. The tremors are minor and don't last long, but he rushes out into the hallway anyway. It's in a similar messy state.

"Was anyone hurt?!"

Assure him otherwise? Ask him for help if you were? Help pick things up?

serenity (serenitynohime), endymion (aroyal_pain), moon/tsukino usagi (odango_hime), kunzite (kingoftruth), *open to all, jadeite (shitennouloyal), loof merrow (i_c_e_doll), loof merrow (artukarising), kunzite (kiramekinoishi)

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