Come Now, Play The Real Music

Nov 28, 2009 01:03

To the normal eye, it may appear to be just another senshi versus youma fight. Venus, standing away from a large mouse-like creature, narrows her eyes. "You naughty little note," she mutters, pulling out... a conductor's baton. "Your melody is grating," she comments, the baton transforming into a long, red and gold chain. It glows golden as Venus takes to the air, jumping up around the creature, almost floating.

For a moment, anyone watching could see a long musical score wrapped around the giant creature, all the notes perfect and in their place - except for one, a jagged, dark red note, wedged in where it doesn't belong. This is where the chain strikes, wrapping around the note and pulling it out. "That's better," Venus says with a nod, holding up her left wrist as the note gets sucked into the jewel on her bracer, "Now, return to your true form. Let me hear your score... your beautiful melody."

Acute ears may hear a quiet, indeed beautiful melody as the chain shifted back to a baton, Venus smiling as she adjusted the score and returned it to normal. The mouse shrunk in size, till finally, it was just a normal, small creature once more. Venus allowed herself to lower to the ground, sliding her baton away. "Retrieval complete," she said, looking to the jewel on her wrist, "That's the sixth one..."

[OOC: This Venus is an AU/Crossover with Tena on S-String. She's a 'Tuner' who can see, hear, and tune the Soul Scores of the people around her. Others in her presence may see or hear something briefly; other Venuses, as well as Michirus/Neptunes and Zois will be able to do so as long as she's around. The ability goes away once she leaves. More info to come on the Cast List.]

zoisite (windunchained), venus/aino minako (loves_la_vie), mars/hino rei (firextinguished), venus (tuning_venus)

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