May 05, 2004 16:19

Yes, I'd make a sucky cheerleader (that's the point).

Okay, so, I drop in the advising office and talk to some dude (instead of my actual advisor b/c they were taking walk-ins first come first serve), and find out two ABSOLUTELY SPIFFY things:

1) My major DID get magically changed from MassCom to English, although we never established by WHO, exactly. That's good, because I procrastinated way too damn long with the form Spinelli (my advisor) gave me for it. Why in the hell would I do that, you ask? Well, it's a little intimidating when the vague, basic instructions at the bottom of the form for filling it out, getting approval and turning it in go something like this:
"Hop to the business building on one foot, go two laps around campus, then stand on your head and bark until someone stops to ask you if you took your medication this morning..."

Yeah, you get the point.

2) FALL REGISTRATION STARTED WITHOUT ME KNOWING. Awesome. Dandy. Super. So We quick-talked about what I might want to take, and then I skeedaddled my ass over to Cabell, and now here is my class schedule at current (subject to change):

ENGLISH 317: Modern Drama (M,W 5:30-6:45pm)
FOREIGN LANGUAGES 204: Language Groups In The US: Scots (T,R 3:30-4:45pm)
PSYCHOLOGY 301: Child Psychology (T,R 9:30-10:45am)
STATISTICS 208: Statistical Thinking (M 7-8:15pm, W 7-8:50pm)

Of course, it's not finished. I was recommended to take one or TWO 300-level LITERATURE (not comp) courses, but nothing much else interested me, besides of course a class on teaching writing skills that wasn't offered fall semester (go figure). And I need the lab from Astronomy anyways, apparently. I'm going to wait until Sept and see if I can pick up a lab someone decided to drop. Honestly, I'm not happy at all about child psychology, but it's required to take adolescent psychology, so i pretty much have to take it.

This all means that next spring I have to take Education 301 (learning development), the lab if I can't get it, and the dreaded English 200, which is the required comp class with a 15-20 page final paper 0_o (eek).

The good news is that STAT 208 is my last math class. EVER. MWAHAHAHAHAHA. And once I finish the Astronomy lab I'm done with sciences. And yes, I'm laughing it up. ::dances:: No chemistry for me! AHAHAHAHAHA alll you silly people whom will be tortured by math and mathematical sciences until your dying day! DAHAHAHA! Okay. I'm done now.

As for everything else, I'm doing better than my most recent average. Here's the newsflash:

I'm not tired!!! At all. Astounding. I slept from 3:30 to 5:30 yesterday because I hurt and felt like crap. Then I got up and went to the Jackson Hewitt dinner party thing at Julian's. Got my last paycheck (which was for 18.47; I think I hold the record for tiniest paycheck now, officially) and free dinner. Came home. Tried to do stuff but I like passe dout at 10:30. Which was absolutely amazing. What was trhe real miracle was that I didn't wake up feeling sick more... I had expected a sore throat/cough/runny or stuffy nose.

So I feel pretty good right now. Bet it won't last long though, I take my Math exam in an hour.

But then I'm going to work on my AMA costume with Megg. Hmm. I've just decided that forever on now I'm going to spell Meg Glass's name with two g's. That way I can differentiate between her and my sister in written speech AND be weird.

Speaking of AMA, I am reminded of the issue of money. For once in my life this thought does not make me want to shove an iron crowbar through my temple. I got a 116 dollar paycheck, a 56 dollar paycheck, and an 18 dollar paycheck. Then I wrote a 100 dollar check to mom, and sooner or later I'll either find or have re-issued the 21 dollar paycheck. Here's my checklist:

-Get a new purse for god's sake (check)
-Get shoes for AMA costume (check)
-Dress for Prom (check)
-Touch-up paint for car for Prom
-paycheck stub for carwash for Prom (which doesn't actually take money since I work for Carpool :D)
-25 dollars for my share of the hotel room for AMA
-20 dollars to put on my phone

My other things to do are
-Work on/finsih AMA costume
-Work on/finish final paper
-Prepare for court appearance
-Clean out car prior to taking it to be washed
-Clean room
-Dye hair for AMA (a few days before AMA)
-Conserve leftover moneys for AMA
-Study for all exams left

So, on the whole, I feel a little less stress and a little more progress, even if that only lasts today.

My story has hit the 60 page mark, a full blown 16 chapters! YAY!!! ::claps::

I need more words for use in my story. I shall consult my lj friends and later consult a thesaurus.


First, I need more speaking verbs. I'm tired of spoke, said, mused (or in specific cases) trilled, chirped, called, shouted.

Second, I need more adjectives to describe any sort of sarcastic grin. Already in use are: sly, smug, sardonic, sarcastic, clever, smart. Others I have found and plan to use: cunning, crafty.

Third, any adjectives depicting a minor level of bewilderment, amusement, or confusion. Already in use and getting old: incredulous, bewildered, disturbed, quizzical, amused.

Fourth, any adjectives indicating a less than amused tone of voice or facial expression: darkly, flatly, nonplussed, intrepidly, blackly

Okay, well, I really should go study up a little for my math final. Wish me luck!
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