Mandatory introduction mostly copy + pasted from my previious entry with one or two edits. I'm not in a creative mood today, so these captions aren't so great...sorry... but the pics are nice by themselves anyway. Hope you like them regardless.
Okay so I've been playing sims 2, and decided to screenshot this new family I've made. It's not a legacy because I totally used the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true cheat & about oh, say, a million motherlode cheats to get lotsa mula, mwaha. Oh and I didn't make their (huge) house. I downloaded it. Totally cheating. ;-)
Sooo, basically it's just screencaps of my game with comments.
WARNING I: May contain things like, oh, visiting lesbian sims that just happen to like woohooing while everyone's watching. In the hot tub. At someone else's house. That they barely know. So if for some reason you don't like that sort of stuff, best avoid. However, no nudity or anything. :)
WARNING II: Also may contain sexual innuendo. Maybe.
WARNING III: May also induce intense boredom. SO sorry about that. Damn lazy sims.
WARNING IV: Contains tons of pictures/screencaps, so may take a while to load, especially if you have a slow connection.
This is just a mess of pics (albeit in order) from the Romano family that I played last night. Kind of tired/uncreative, so the captions won't be very wordy/inspired. Still, nice pics. :)
Make me a sandwich, lady. (Yeah, he's polite.)
Meanwhile, Miranda and Andrea from the house over the road, went to welcome the Romano family to the neighborhood.
By smooching in the hot tub. Of course. Darn ACR. :P
Sensing she wasn't going to get anywhere near coherent conversation with these two around, she left the tub to go and find Allegra.
Fabiano naturally took the opportunity to have a quick perve. In front of his wife. Naturally.
I love Alessandra's face in this one.
Fabiano: Um, Alessandra? There seems to be two chicks getting it on in our hot tub.. (discretly gestures behind him)
Alessandra: ...
I hope they're not making another baby.
You have newborn twins at home, for chrissakes!
By the way. You did ring a nanny before you came over here didn't you...?
Family discussion.
I apologise for all the miranda andy only shots, when it's not even their family story. :P I might have to do another entry sometime with their own family adventures. :-)
Meanwhile, back in the house...
Alessandra: So, Fab. Tell me. How do you like your woohoo?
Alessandra: ...Really? ...Sumo wrestlers turn you on?
Fabiano: Hell yeah.
Alessandra: Wait. Are you saying I'M FAT?!
Me: Actually no. He really does think sumos are the sex.
(by the way, the guy playing the piano in the background is from one of my other families, he was part of the welcome wagon too. It was good cause he's worked up a lot of piano/music skill points/enthusiasm, so he played beautifully for many sim hours in the background. :) )
Until next time...