Okay so I've been playing sims 2, and decided to screenshot this new family I've made. It's not a legacy because I totally used the boolprop testingcheatsenabled true cheat & about oh, say, a million motherlode cheats to get lotsa mula, mwaha. Oh and I didn't make their (huge) house. I downloaded it. Totally cheating. ;-)
Sooo, basically it's just screencaps of my game with comments.
WARNING I: May contain things like visiting lesbian sims that just happen to like woohooing while everyone's watching. In the hot tub. At someone else's house. That they barely know. (I warned you.) However, that excitement will be in the next chapter, because I'm tired and going to go to bed. This current chapter/post is family friendly. :-P
WARNING II: Also may contain sexual innuendo and slight occasional language.
WARNING III: May also induce intense boredom. SO sorry about that. Damn lazy sims.
WARNING IV: Contains tons of pictures/screencaps, so may take a while to load, especially if you have a slow connection.
By the way, I have "alternate text" on the image's too, which I THINK means that you hover over it and you can read another word or two that I've said about the pic. Maybe. Not all of them will have it, btw.
Rating for this chapter: G
Meet the Romano Family. Here they are in front of their new house.
(Except the dad. He's too busy standing in amongst the flowers over there --->)
This is Mrs. Alessandra Romano, holding her daughter, Allegra.
She gets two introductory pics. Because she's pretty.
This is the dad & husband, Fabiano Romano. He's FAB.
My sister said he looks like Cary Grant. He might have a taste of Mr. Grant in him. Perhaps I've been watching too many of his movies lately...Perhaps she has! Either way, he's cute!
So Cary Grant/Fabiano left his wife and very young daughter stranded on the footpath of their new home, 'cause he wanted to go and stand in the middle of the orange/red poppies. (You can tell this is going to be a RIVETING story already, can't you? :-D)
THEN he ran towards a random tree in the yard, and made the most woe-is-me/confused-eyebrow-raising-moment face that I've ever seen him make. It was tres amusing.
(I think he has issues with that tree.
"DO. NOT. WANT." Says he.)
Okay, how cute is this toddler? SO CUTE.
And so then they all went for a swim in the pool. Except for Allegra (the toddler), who wasn't happy about it.
Awww. She wants the diving board, man! LOOK AT THAT FACE. AW. Give her the diving board! Go on!
Just say it's from me!
Fabiano/Dad: It's okay sweetie, don't worry.
Allegra: Mwhehehe. Works every time! *wink*
Lovely father-daughter moment here. :P
Allegra: I love you, dad.
Fabiano/Dad: I love you too, Allegra.
To be continued... tomorrow :-D