Bleepin' bleepers!

May 07, 2008 18:24

Ok so, last week at folk art I mentioned it  had been my birthday and I was 18..
Got all these "Are you going to learn to drive now? Why not??", "What are you going to do when you finish this course?" and the best one: "I know this 18 year old boy who's doing architecture at University - he'd be PERFECT for you!"
Then had this person who was relatively new to this folk art class, Carol, asking me thousands of questions about my schooling etc. I ended up getting all flustered and telling her too much about it (more than I should tell an impertinent stranger) and it was pretty embarrassing. She was so nosy though, she kept pushing me to go on... anyway.
Mum told me what to say, just to say that I'm doing part time TAFE, if she asks what course, say Year 10. Then *change the subject*. Gah.

Today I went to folk art and in the car told Mrs C (who also goes to this folk art class and takes me there and back) all about last week, and she was very nice  and said not to worry, etc.
We arrived and I said hello to all the ladies and started unpacking my painting things, paint brush box, etc. I have my half finished painted piece on the table in front of me as I'm organising all my stuff.  This woman, Carol, starts talking to me.. I think, oh, here we go.. and look up.
Carol: "That's very nice!"
Me, surprised: "Oh! This? Thank you!" (gesturing to the piece I'm working on, thinking she's complimenting me on the painting)
Carol: "No, no, not *that*. The paint box."
(at this point conversations stop and heads slowly turn to us :-P)
Me: "Oh so you think that the brush box is nice, but my painting isn't? Har har har!"
Carol: Har har!
Then she doesn't apologise. None of this "Oh no, your painting is nice too!" or any of those things commonly referred to as "manners". No, no. None of that, *har har har*.

This was just one of three things she said to me that day, one ignorant and the other rude.
What a bitch.
I think I handled her well though.
And she is only rude to me. No one else. Oh no. Just me. The easy target. Nice.
I'm looking forward to next week. *rolls eyes*

folk art

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