Jun 26, 2013 00:52
My heart moves again. At music. At thinking about the people that I love. At beautiful views and sunsets and happiness.
My heart moves.
My brain works again. It goes non-stop. For a long time, it felt like not a single thought went through my mind, like grey fuzz and autopilot. Now I think about everything. I analyze. I access information.
I think and I feel.
It seems like so much. It seems so big sometimes, just the way that the whole of everything inside of my heart comes pushing its way out of me. Things move me. Small things, big things, anything. I see it, I feel it, I comprehend it and sense it for what it is. In my heart of hearts. It's an increased sensitivity, but not in the typical sense. I'm not more easily offended or anything like that.
It's just....
I can feel again.