Still Alive

Mar 30, 2007 21:11

We are home in one piece. The cats are both fine, if getting on each others' nerves a smidge. We made it through the two days of work without screaming... at least, I'm assuming Tom didn't break down screaming at any point.
Tonight, we actually unpacked our suitcases! I am sooooo tired still. The cats keep bickering through the night and waking me.
This weekend will be full of re-coup time: organizing gifts, planning my b-day party, taking care of photos, sleeping. We also need to get Tom's license plates renewed (they expired in Feb, oops!), and take care of our taxes (we owe $1700. I want a second opinion. A cheap second opinion).

I have not heard anything from the school yet. I was relying on the vacation to keep me from getting impatient. And it did. Except we're home now. Drat!

teaching, taxes, car, cats, maui

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