That Fic, again

Apr 07, 2006 15:53

I'm almost done the second part of that fic...maybe, if I'm cutting it where I think I'm cutting it. We'll see how long it is.


Part 1 (edited only once, so there'll be a new link soon) is now un-flocked, so anyone can read (and comment on?) it. Meanwhile....please, please, please. Any title suggestions = love. At the moment, I'm stuck ( Read more... )

writing, veronica mars

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gemme April 8 2006, 07:36:10 UTC
do you hate me less now for egging your muse to write it? ^_~

gah..i'm so bad with titles..ESPECIALLY titles for essays i've spent hours on.. GRAH! um..but i'll keep it in mind while i slave away cooking fries tomorrow, and if i think of something i'll tell you :P

i have no more classes anymore!!!!!!! only 3 exams :D:D um..since my first exam is on the like..18th, wanna hang out downtown or metrotown sometime next week? maybe tuesday? also..during the summer we must do lots of yummy baking although i guess i wouldn't be able to eat most of the things i would make..oh well. but if we do it, you actually have to *let me do things* :P or maybe we could work on seperate things at the same time! double the yum :D *has obsession already with the idea of baking many things*


moonlightrick April 9 2006, 03:03:38 UTC
....a *little* less. And I didn't hate you; you were trouble. Yes ;p

Titles are the bane of my existance *sigh*

Lucky! Well, after your exams, of course--good luck on those :) Tuesday? Um...I probably shouldn't, since we're going away for the Easter weekend area, and I still have yet to make an acceptable dent in my essay; maybe if I finish it this weekend...I'll let you know if it turns out okay, but until then, I can't :(. But...the Friday after this (Good Friday--and btw, seriously, exams over Easter?) is a Pro-D if you want to get together then, or have a sleepover Thurs/Fri :D I'd try to get the Saturday off, too, but I'm already missing one Saturday/8 hour shift, so....yeah.

Over the summer, we will do a *ton* of baking, and I will make myself let you do things ;) Are you trying to remove *all* baked goods from your diet?


gemme April 9 2006, 04:16:24 UTC

indeed.. *hasn't thought of one yet* -_-;;

well, i'll check and let you know! (closer to the date)

er, well not baked goods specifically..but 90% of baked things include eggs and/or milk/butter in their recipes :P


moonlightrick April 12 2006, 21:31:57 UTC
It's okay...I think I have titles for the last two. And I can bug you about the prequel (from Veronica or Logan's POV, should I ever write it) the next time we get together ;)

Is it closer to the date now? :D

Oh dear...okay, next time you come over for a sleepover, make sure to remind me, k? Firstly because, well, food, but also for baking...


gemme April 12 2006, 22:39:04 UTC
ok :)

i emailed you/commented somewhere else about that :P

ok! well, surprisingly, i've developed not a half bad quick recipe for pizza without cheese or meat :P (you'll probably look your nose down upon it with your fancy authentic italian cheese pizza, but it does the job..): whole wheat pita...tomato sauce, and a variety of toppings such as: tomato slices, bell peppers, olives (MMMMMMMM...haha), mushrooms, cilantro, pineapple bits..etc. plus oregano, garlic powder and crushed red peppers. i usually don't use alll those topings though, and i can bring most of the weird ingredients from home if we're having a sleepover at your house. but yeah. sorry to be such an inconvenience! you can always just feed me plain cheerios or rice crispies if you get lazy.. *g*


moonlightrick April 13 2006, 03:49:00 UTC
You realize the prequel will *probably*, despite my own opinion of the "obligatory psychotic jackass", make you feel sorry for Logan? *loffs* ;)

somewhere...*finds it. yeah. somewhere*

gasp! pizza without cheese or *meat*? ;P I suppose for a...vegetarian pita!pizza (which, btw, Megan makes) that sounds good (except, olives=EWW, and...srsly, I know it's a widely-accepted and -loved topping, but what is pineapple fruit of *any* kind doing on pizza?) - oregano and garlic is yummy :D Of course, none of that will really be *cooking*, but I suppose that's the point, lol. You should see if you can find a cookbook with recipes catered to your diet.... And you aren't inconvenient per say ;), we'll just have to...plan something, or decide to eat out, or something.

--Oh. You're totally doing this diet JUST for the rice crispies, aren't you? ;)


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