That Fic, again

Apr 07, 2006 15:53

I'm almost done the second part of that fic...maybe, if I'm cutting it where I think I'm cutting it. We'll see how long it is.


Part 1 (edited only once, so there'll be a new link soon) is now un-flocked, so anyone can read (and comment on?) it. Meanwhile....please, please, please. Any title suggestions = love. At the moment, I'm stuck with "The Fabulous Life Of" and I'm just....blagh. It sorta works for the first one, but then I'll have to title each of the fics separately, which isn't so fun. Well, or maybe not. We'll see.

So, got that? Titles suggestions. Hugs and love for the people who have already r&r'ed for me--Anya, I'm just about to reply, but thanks *hugs* Also, I'm less freaked out, which is of the definite good.

writing, veronica mars

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