NaNoWriMo, among other things

Oct 05, 2005 14:10

Well, it's started again.

I think I might try it again.

But I really shouldn't.

I'm going to try it. Since, you know, I have a bunch more writing time on my hands. And because the Alex/Ryan story is actually at a stage where I think I can write it. I just have to work on Natalia and Shiri's side of the plot.

Still have to write that scary story....

And see the career resource woman about the house of commons/page thing-a-ma-jig.

Five Recommendations off the Top of My Head:

1. "What Happened to Lani Garver" by Carol Plum-Ucci. I'm re-reading it right now, and it's still *so amazing*.

2. "Roswell." Season 1, at least. I'm slightly scared to watch season 2, myself...

3. "Veronica Mars." No excuses ;)

4. "Summers at Castle Auburn" by Sharon Shinn. I wasn't expecting much when I picked this book up a year or two ago. But it was wonderful - nice, easy fantasy mixed with a (thankfully) sweet/chaste romance.

5. "A Wrinkle in Time" by Madeleine L'Engle. Okay, so I *need* to explain why? Just read it.


writing, recs, misc

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