new layout!

Apr 28, 2009 18:55

About once a year, I think about giving HP another go. My head generally screams things like stereotypes! and Harry/Ginny, dear God, and continues on about Snape and Dumbledore, so much of how the Marauders & betrayals were written, not to mention but do you really think you can read OotP again without burning it?, and all, but. I really like the fanfic (shut up), so I'm thinking about reading it again, because I should really read past book 5. My sisters, who have heard me rant about my many HP issues, are firmly on the "no" side, but I have...grown as a person, possibly. Maybe not more tolerant as a critic (actually, probably less), but I could--possibly do it. Feel free to gush about it and encourage reading, or--fanfic recs? Marauders especially, because--right, I won't go into the ranting. I already locked a post about that stuff to spare you all.

IYC post is being transposed. The plan is to have it all typed up and hopefully edited (& ergo, posted) before I go to bed tonight (see: icon :p). I usually turn in ~2am, of course, but...I'm working on it. Typed, at the very least. Also, there might only be *two* more chapters including this next one; at least, after the chapter I'm typing there's one more big scene, then the last one, so perhaps two more chapters and a fic tag/epilogue? It's really weird that a) FaIC is finished, b) FaIC's sequel is almost finished :P

fic: if you call, writing, i take fiction way too seriously, harry potter

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