Jumping on the bandwagon...ish

Apr 18, 2009 19:13

I now have a dreamwidth account, for which you all can thank poppytea (as in most web cases :p). Since lj is such a long term mishmash, the two journals probably won't have the exact same settings, even if I do cross-post everything. One might be completely flocked (or dreamwidth equivalent, idk, I signed up while I was "studying" just an hour before my final) in non-fic/writing situations. But really, let's see how this all goes, shall we? Also, if you're on, add me; or if you want an invite, let me know :) (PS. I have to request invites, as it turns out, so I'm not sure how long it'll take/what criter they have, if any.)

Also, I totally pulled off a B+ for my stats class. I don't really know how (b/c that means I wrote an A- final, or the prof was very merciful despite having never mentioned the curve), but I'm pretty well gleeing all over the place. :D!

lj, school

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