School, & IYC/Writing

Jan 14, 2009 14:34

Even Max Weber's typology of types of legitimate rule--traditional, charismatic, and rational or legal-bureaucratic rule--are not free of remainders of the old debate on 'uniqueness vs. comparability' because the ideal types contained elements of uniqueness as 'individual totalities'. The ideal types served to elaborate the special features of social institutions. Only in the time of classical modernity were typologies of dynamic processes offered. Historical research continued, however, to suspect such taxonomies as they were developed in Crane Brinton's Anatomy of Revolutions (1937)."
-Klaus von Beyme, in ch.1 of "Comparative Politics."

Okay, really? A textbook. For a second year class. Not your 30%-of-your-grade term paper, with a set word count. You could make a cross word puzzle out of this paragraph. And this is pretty much the entire first chapter; except this part has 500% more of the required commas. What does von Beyme have against commas, anyway? What did they ever do to him? Also, for general interest: "Tainted Love" and "A New Argentina" are the least textbook-reading-conducive songs to have stuck in your head...pretty much ever. Also, the weirdest mixes. Really.

Also, I now go to school in a mall. My stats class (dull as paint, btw, and the teacher resigns herself to it) is above a Zellers. No joke.

Other than that, I haven't really posted much of substance lately, which I'll try to change soon. I'm ~six posts into IYC, and transcribing it onto my computer this week, which means I'm really impatient to post it, despite the chapter I've been stumbling through for the past...couple weeks, atually :P I might post the first part very soon--today, tomorrow, as soon as I get it cleaned up a bit--though hopefully I'll have the discipline (HAH) to write out a plot overview first. Either way, LJ will almost definitely be on an advanced posting schedule (like with FaIC), rather than being updated at the same time as on JCF.

Lera/Nichyn are really the Story That Will Not Die Quietly. But I'm working on TC&M anyway, and it's slowly gaining momentum. Altogether, I have...most of the premise part written down--the conspiracy set, the murder, and half of the funeral (which just sounds *bleak*, haha).

P.S. for the FNL fans who haven't seen s3 yet--lo, it is wonderful. If 3x12 is the last episode ever, I will cry. I've always been a little ready to jump free, but s3 totally won me over. Enjoy :D

fic: if you call, writing, tc&m, school, life

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