[REPOST] In the Morning: Info/Prologue

Apr 12, 2007 13:27

Well, I considered holding off on the repost until ItM was actually finished, but I suddenly have all this *time*, so...repost. :D?

Always III: In the Morning

By moonlightrick

Disclaimer: Any recognizable planet, character or organized group belongs to George Lucas. Na’Lein’yhpaon, OC’s, the Kavishka prophecy, etc, belong to me. If you wish to use ANY of them, you must ask first. I am making no money from this; please don’t sue.
Summary: When her nephew and news of her home planet arrive, Sanar knows it is time for her to step into the story Devnos told her was true. She returns to Na’Lein’yhpaon with two bounty hunters, two Intelligence operatives, and Kyp Durron - the Kavishka - by her side to put an end to Rafintair’s evil. In the Galactic Alliance, Jaina and Zekk have caught wind of a plot from an unknown faction to control the galaxy, which they race to stop. Meanwhile, on the other side of life, Devnos Klis is frantic to prevent a secret, dangerous aspect of the prophecy from coming true…
Genre(s): drama, fantasy, romance, action, angst
Keywords: prophecy, oppression, heroes
Author’s Note: This is part 3 of the “Always” trilogy. It is the sequel of Caught in the Rain, which in turn is the sequel of Return of the Jedi/Dejarik. If you want to read this, I highly recommend that you read the first two parts. If you don’t wish to, I would suggest reading “Caught in the Rain” at least. I will do my best to cover the important points, but obviously background reading will supply something a summary cannot.
AN2: I will be doing a little of playing around with time in this fic, but I promise to keep things clear, and refrain from changing from point to point on the timeline too much. The future (almost 2 years ahead of the main story) will be in bold, and the ‘normal’ story will be regular text.
Thanks (or blame ;)): To Mel (for the names), and to my readers. I wouldn’t have let myself get so carried away if it wasn’t for your reviews and support. This fic is the last one. Really. Or maybe just the last novel.

Dramatis Personae

Main Characters:
Devnos Klis - male; scribe of the Kavishka prophecy; Sanar’s brother (deceased)
Kyp Durron - male; Jedi Master; the Kavishka
Lerasina Verili - female; a.k.a. Lera
Nichyn Whilem - male; teenage son of Clayra and Gantik Whilem
Sanar Klis - female; freed Imperial slave; daughter of Jarran Klis

Arelyk Rym - male; Jedi apprentice; friend of Lera
Braun Yd - male; cargo shipper; married to Veras
Caesarea Klis - female; mother of Devnos, Sanar and Clayra
Cerasy Lee-droy - female; bounty hunter; married to Tiran Lee-droy
Clayra Whilem - female; sister of Sanar Klis; wife of Gantik
Dara Veik - female; fighter in the Mujir Resistance
Dejah Salin - female; fighter in Mujir’s Resistance
Élin - female; a maid and novice in Niha’s care
Gaffil Jir - male; Rafintair’s brother and second-in-command
Gantik Whilem - male; husband of Clayra
Geneva Tal - female; leader of Mujir’s Resistance
Hasi Ov - female; friend of Lera and Arelyk
Isra - female; fighter in the Mujir Resistance
Jaina Solo - female; Jedi Knight
Jarran Klis - male; father of Devnos, Sanar and Clayra; failed/former Kavishka (deceased)
Jolesp Fig - male; friend of Lera and Arelyk
Krista Harif - female; former Intelligence operative; of many trades
Miko Reglia - male; Jedi Knight
Niha - female; an elderly seer in Mujir’s service
Perdita - female; Intelligence operative; former Imperial
Rafintair Jir - male; Holy Emperor of Na’Lein’yhpaon
Shanya Rym - female; Jedi Knight; Arelyk’s mother
Teigra Bel - female; fighter in Mujir’s Resistance
Tenel Ka Chume Ta’ Djo - female; Queen Mother of the Hapes Consortium
Tiran Lee-droy - male; Jedi Knight; married to Cerasy
Veras Yd - female; bounty hunter; married to Braun
Zuleika Rym - female; older sister of Arelyk
Zekk - male; Intelligence consultant; formerly Lord Onyx of the Sith and Darkest Knight of the New Empire


“The voice of thy brother’s blood crieth unto me from the ground.”
~Genesis 4:10



Jarran Klis waited on the shore of the River for his son. It had been a long time, even in Death, but not long enough.

He had not wanted to see his son in the Land of the Dead for many more years, but it could not be helped. Destiny had her way with all of them, and she had few favourites. Jarran had given up on hoping that he might one day join the group of those she loved; that way was reserved for others, who were as removed from his universe as unicorns and centaurs.

In the centre of the River, there was a ripple against the current, and then Devnos appeared from the waist up, blinking around him. Jarran felt his face break into a smile, and he rushed impatiently further ahead, until his ankles were in the River.

For a moment, Devnos accepted his new existence without question, as he should-rare was the person who recognized and refused Death’s gentle forgetfulness.

But then… Jarran knew the exact moment Devnos recognized everything, and the second his son stepped back, horrified. “No! No…I… No!”

Premonition crept along Jarran’s skin, but he pushed it away, refusing to acknowledge the idea. “Devnos,” he breathed, then called his son’s name more loudly.

Devnos’ head snapped up, and for a moment he wavered. “Father.” So much shame, guilt and love in that word.

Jarran opened his arms, and felt the grateful tears trace the lines of his face. Until now, he had not realized how much he missed his family. “My son. Come!”

But Devnos’ hesitation had left him, and his feet remained firmly in the River. “I will not,” and Devnos’ voice was very cold, “leave Sanar to fall victim to Prophecy.”

“You can’t stop it,” Jarran told him, pleading with his son to understand, and to give up his futile hopes. “Sanar will play her part, and-”

“And she will hate it!” Devnos screamed back.

Jarran stepped back, startled and hurt, as if his son had punched him in the gut. “The Kavishka-”

“Of course you take his side-he’s more your son than I,” Devnos snapped, almost to himself. Gulping large, unnecessary breaths, Devnos paused in his tirade, dark eyes wild.

Hours later, Devnos continued, now in the voice of Jarran’s teenage son explaining a mundane but necessary scene in one of his stories. “Sanar has had too many choices made for her; if the Prophecy has its way, Sanar will just lose sight of the man in the Kavishka.”

“It cannot be averted.”

Devnos glared, and he looked painfully like the man he had become, and not at all like the boy Jarran remembered. “She will hate him, and she will be miserable. Is that your ‘missing you’ gift for your favourite daughter?”

“I love my children,” Jarran snapped, losing patience.

“It appears that I love them more than do you,” Devnos retorted. “Perhaps because I know them, and care little for the Prophecy.”

Jarran was stone-faced. “The Prophecy cannot be stopped, Devnos.”

Devnos turned away. “Sanar must have a choice.”

“Choices are a luxury.”

Devnos didn’t seem to hear Jarran’s words; he made no reply as he sank deeper into the River, so that the water covered his head, and he pressed against the boundary of Death and Life.

There he lay.



Devnos Klis would wait four years.

fic: in the morning # repost, star wars, myfic, always

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