THE UPDATE + the quote and the lyrics that got cut

Apr 11, 2007 17:11

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
~T.S. Eliot, “The Hollow Men”

Aka. Erin was going to use this quote for part of it, then realized that the words match, but the rest of the poem does not. And I'm not evil enough to ruin this chapter with justification. So T. S. Eliot is stuck on lj :p

Wait, I thought I had this down
I built all my cages and my hide out
I covered all my bases
But you
You creep in like a whisper
I try not to listen but I hear you
I don't know just what it is you do
But do it again

I'm amazed
When push comes to shove what I'd give to you
~“Amazed” by Poe

Aka. "In the Morning" (squared! :p) has been posted. *Please* review if you read - a lot of Always (and most of ItM) has been building up to one of the scenes, and I figure a lot of people are just reading ItM for K/S, so this is your chapter. And you really have *no* idea how long this scene has been waiting to be written. Literally, years.

In the Morning

kyp/sanar, updates, in the morning

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