(no subject)

Nov 28, 2006 14:31

  1. 18! Happy birthday to panther :D
  2. No snow day birthday for me :(
  3. VM arc finale tonight! Except I have two papers due over the next two days, so I'll probably be taping the ep and watching it later...
  4. After Thursday, my papers are practically done, yay :D
  5. OMGSQUEE BSG ON SATURDAY! With--with all the missing year stuff! And I've seen too many previews that have me all gaaaah need Saturday now. Because *spoilerspoilerspoilerspoiler* omg.
  6. So...it's supposed to snow again tomorrow or Thursday? (Please tomorrow :D but Thursday wouldn't be awful.) Maybe another snow day :D The roads are looking way better than the sidewalks, which looks ugly for tomorrow (@ NW campus with the insane hill) if there *isn't* a snow day :S
  7. BSG characters own
  8. And 18 :D

school, bsg, tv, life, veronica mars

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