Mar 01, 2009 21:37
We took Miss Minnie back to the vet this weekend. The vets, unfortunately, are stumped at this point. The lump *has* diminished, but it hasn't disappeared completely after a full week of twice-a-day antibiotics. The lump is pretty solid, so they are thinking now that it's not likely to be an abscess, which would mostly be fluid. Also, she had a fever. But at this point we're playing it conservative and administering yet another week of antibiotics. We'll take Minnie back at the end of that week and if the lump isn't gone, they'll do x-rays and a biopsy. :/
In good news, our internet is finally up at home. We got a new modem and I reset the router for good measure. I'm typing this on my couch next to Liz who is researching her next paper online. Whew. Finally.