I'm back!

Aug 30, 2008 09:11

I can't believe that after such hiatus that I've been inspired!  (Cackles) Take that Writer's Block! I'm actually really happy that I'll be able to type again, but I really really really need to update my older fiction on FF.net though...Oh gods I don't know if readers will kill me from the long wait, or be happy a FINALLY updated...Oh geez I'm nervous now.

I hopefully aiming for a once a week update though with the plot bunnies that are forming (Back Plot bunnies! Back!) it might be hard since I usually go 'Ooh! Idea!' and then completely right it down -_-U Maybe I'll do that but just not post it...

Anywho~ I'll be using my LJ more frequently now (And thanks to all the ones that have commented on my last you, you guys rock!) to show all the others my process and which chapters are posted and what not.

Till next time!
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