Jun 29, 2007 11:12
1. Do you feel happy on a day-to-day basis, in general?
WOW...this is the wrong FREAKIN day to be asking me these questions. But I'm going to try to find a little happiness in my dark cloud of a brain and answer these with a bit of sunshine (which I could use some of today by the FREAKIN WAY). In general...most of my life...yes, I feel happy.
2. What are the things currently in your life that make you feel sad in the short term, if any? How much control do you feel you have over changing those things?
Introspection has made me sad currently and in the short term. There is SO MUCH WORK to be done in a small amount of time. Each step hinging on the next. People counting on me. I'm a little freaked out by the long-term commitment thing as I haven't really done it successfully before. My Dad's best friend died a couple days ago. That made me really sad. *frown*
I feel I have control over changing the things that make me sad. Then again that would entail work and the effort to get things done or to change things which is part of what makes me sad. So ya, my own worst enemy I suppose.
3. What are the things currently in your life that make you feel unhappy in the long term, if any? How much control do you feel you have over changing those things?
I think the long term looks really happy so I've got nothing to complain about there. Wait, did I just say I couldn't complain? Oh my, that can't be. I can ALWAYS complain.
4. What do you do to make yourself happier in the short term?
Think about what really matters. Spiritual stuff, friends, taking some quiet time to create things.
5. What do you do to make yourself happier in the long term?
Getting done with all this work that is freaking me out so badly. Just sucking it up and doing it. Getting healthy from working out. Being outside as much as I can. Creating strong meaningful relationships with people. Figuring shit out. Always, always trying to figure shit out.
friday five