
Nov 17, 2005 11:43

Yesterday was full of ups and downs. Which starts this out sort of cliched but whatever. I was sooooo upset in ASL class and was crying becuase Sheila made a comment about my signing slow. I really can't do anything about that, I have a physical handicap with my wrist! So I was talking to her about it and she says she unerstands but I still need to show improvement with the signs if not the fingerspelling and I agreed. I was still really upset my the time I got home and was being rather rediculous and started making everything a HUGE deal. When I checked my email though there was a letter from Alex about LD and I realized how important I really am to people and how useful I am and I felt totally better. It was nice that such a small thing could make such a large difference.

The other thing was dinner. Which was sooooooo funny. My baby cut his ear open on a shirt the night before. Yes that's correct he cut his ear on a shirt. He was taking it off too quickly and the tag sliced through the back. I swear aren't those things child proof? Should that have even been possible? *shrug* Too bad the adopt-a-dog people are going to Carleen's company today. I swear to gawd if another things like pooh shows up I am not going back to that house...and I told Andy that LOL. Maybe though it'll be cool and she'll get something small and sweet. Or nothing at all! Ha! Well back to pointless games and wishing Thursday would end so my weekend would start. Here's to being that much closer to Thanksgiving and that much closer to a month off soon after.

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