news rant

Nov 14, 2005 14:26

Okay so the other night on the news they were talking about how someone found a cell phone in the parking lot of some store and when they opened it up to find a contact number they found tons of child porn. I have a few concerns with this. First, what idiot puts a picture of a man doing sexual things to a young young girl as their background image of their phone? Do they not knwo this is wrong? Second, if it wasn't the background image what right does the finder have to be searching the photo album of a phone they found lying there? Yes, find a contact number, no don't look to see what they take pictures of. I mean the report said the phone was full of pictures. They didn't say police took the phone and based on the lead of the image were able to be allowed to go through the album, no, they said the person who found the phone found all the pictures. I am sad that such sick things are going on in the world, and I sooooo don't want them to continue or be protected, but at the same time, everyone deserves some basic privacy. What if me and my bf had pron type images on my phone? We're both legal adults, but I wouldn't want someone searching my album and seeing that, and I don't think they would have a right too, even if it is somewhat indecent to have the images. Okay whatever rant over.

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