This has been brewing for a while really, but a recent re-visit to a site I was a very active member of wayyyy back has really brought it to the fore for me. And I know you are all thinking "ahhh - UKP", but its not UKP at all, although that has made it all a bit more topical
Nay - the forum in question is a Yahoo group for solitary witches, and at
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Oh lovey I know that and I know this isnt about me per se, but its timing was apt thats all.
All these things you have said, is what I said couple of years ago and one reason why I managed to get myself embroiled in the Druid shit. I didnt want the morons to win. Trouble is they all ended up acting like morons.
Ive been tired of it all for a LONG time, pet. Maybe after I've calmed down eh.......... we shall see.
But one thing will remain and thats that I have friends who I love and who love me and whatever happens THAT will never change
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