Mar 12, 2006 18:20
I am so tired of my so called "friends"!! I feel like telling everyone to just PISS OFF!!!
my friends keep saying that they are here for me but I feel like calling them shit faced liers!!! I have not seen any and I mean ANY of my friends in weeks, some even in months!!! I need friends right now ya know. to know that I am still human and not the plauge. None of them bother to just send me an e-mail or an ofline message or anything. One friend even looked me in the face and said taht she cant be my friend anymore cause she has no clue how to be around pregnant people and that I am ruining her style!!!! others wont even come by on their days off to see if I need anything. some of my friends swore they were going to help me clean my house so that DHS wouldnt see it a mess and I cant do mych and they have not bothered to come by or even call.
I dont get it. I always thought that I had a few good friends that some of them were pretty ok and that they had stood by me with things like relationship issues and family trouble but now that I need friends to stand by me when I need to feel human and that things in my life are going to change but that I will still have friends everyone ups a leaves me!! the only person to stand by me right now has been Steve. I was crying today cause I felt like it was me. That there has to be something wrong with me caue I push all my friends away. Steve just told me that it wasnt me and that there had to be good reasons as to why they all left. I just glared at him. I told him none of them even e-mail or write the old fashion letters. they do nothing. I understand that people have lives of their own buyt can they not even pop a few words onto the computer????
a lot of the people who read this might take offense to it but I have a right to feel the way that I do. I mean how would many of you like it if when you really needed friends around they all just vanished cause you cant go to clubs or have trouble walking around?? I am the same person that I have always been and having my daughteri s not going to change that people!!!