Moonette heard the door to her beach house creak open and then click closed. Was it six o’clock already? She glanced at the clock, then quickly took her arm and swept the several miniature silver credit cards off of her desk top and into the top drawer before....
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When the nausea passed she looked around, while still clutching Niall.
The scene was fascinating, the shops were all very different from magical NZ. CHK could hear foreign languages melding together as people flowed around them as they continued on with their shopping.
"So where do we start?" Niall asked when he could see the confusion disappear from CHK's blue eyes.
"We need a book store" CHK said, "hopefully they will have what we need or we may have to go into Muggle France. I hope you know a translation charm or we are up a creek without a paddle."
Niall winked as he pulled out his wand and muttered 'korero korua' while making an intricate wand movement over the both of them.
"You used a Maori charm?" CHK asked in surprise and delight.
"Well I've been spending so much time in New Zealand I've picked a few things up" Niall shrugged while trying to hide his proud smile.
"Thanks" CHK kissed Niall on the cheek before turning to view the scene around them once more. All the signs now displayed in English and she could understand her fellow shoppers who were also now speaking in English. Looking closer CHK could see the perfect shop for finding Berte's present.
"There" she said firmly pointing to a corner bookstore that carried collectibles and first edition prints. CHK pulled Niall towards the shop a smile of anticipation on her face.
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