The Shopping Spree Begins

Jan 26, 2008 23:50

Moonette heard the door to her beach house creak open and then click closed. Was it six o’clock already? She glanced at the clock, then quickly took her arm and swept the several miniature silver credit cards off of her desk top and into the top drawer before....

“Hi lass.”

Too late. Of course he’d suspect something. She never could act innocent when she was up to one of her plans. “Oh, hi Will.”

She stood up and smoothed her wrinkled t-shirt over the waist of her faded jeans as Will’s green eyes swept over her casual outfit. It was a far cry from his own grey trousers, crisp white shirt and black Armani car coat. Moonette nodded approvingly. That coat was a huge splurge, but worth every penny she’d spent on it. The cut fit his shoulders perfectly, and the black made his light green eyes appear almost grey. Well, they could be appearing grey because he was suspicious. Thanks to St. Mags writing Will with eyes that turned a deep moss green whenever Will was happy or particular amorous, Moonette had a sort of natural mood ring right in front of her that clued her in at the most opportune times.

The familiar vertical creases between Will’s brows appeared. “Our reservations are at six-thirty.”

“Oh…I…I’d better hurry, then!” Moonette turned to run to her bedroom to change, then hesitated. Maybe she should lock the top drawer of her desk. But it would be too obvious with him standing right there. Still…if he found the Portkeys…

Will crossed his arms over his chest. “All right. I wasn’t going to ask, but…what’s going on?”

“Nothing. I was just finishing up some business and I lost track of time.”

“Business, eh?” Will’s eyes traveled to the desk drawer and then back to Moonette.

“Yes. Nothing you’d have even the remote interest in either. Boy, was that the truth - Will hated shopping. Come on, I’ll pour you a drink and then go change.” Moonette held out her hand but Will didn’t budge.

“What’s in the drawer, lass?”

“Will, come on - we’re late! I’ve got to get ready.”

“You have that look on your face. And I’ve got that feeling of Muggles sticking their noses in wizard business.”

“No need to worry. I’m just making some plans for Amamama’s birthday. The girls and I are taking her on a shopping spree.”

Will did a double take, then seemed to visibly relax at those last words; he uncrossed his arms and smiled. “So…you’re not going to have one of those crazy parties this time?”


“No lovelorn centaurs in pubs in England?”

“Not one.”

“No pirates and ghosts in a Caribbean Villa?”


“Why not?” He didn’t look convinced.

“Well, since gabrielladusult's throwing a party for Valentine’s Day…” Will stiffened. “…erm…yeah, sorry…anyway, I thought we’d do something different for Amamama.”


Moonette nodded. “Right. Shopping.”

Amamama is a sweet lass. She deserves a nice birthday.” Will paused as if considering the possible consequences. “I suppose the only harm you could do shopping is to your bank account.”

“That’s right.” Moonette placed her hand on Will’s arm and caressed the fine wool of his coat. “And you know I only splurge for you.”

Will bent and kissed Moonette firmly on the mouth. “Come on, let’s get to that restaurant.”

* * * *

Three hours later Moonette took the last sip of her 2005 Lascombes Margaux and smiled at Will across the table. The dinner had been spectacular, and she was feeling the buzz of the wine. She wondered what Will had in store for the rest of the evening; after all, it was only nine-thirty.

They talked some more, until the waiter brought the check. Will reached for his wallet and began searching through it. “Let’s see. How shall I pay for this meal?” Something about his pointed look made Moonette shift uncomfortably in her seat. “Should I use…THIS?” Will pulled out a small dragon hide wallet with a flourish.

“Um…” Moonette gave a nervous laugh. “Where’d you find that?” Then she frowned. “Wait a minute. You went through my desk.”

Will shook his head. “No, I did not.”

“Then how did you-”

“It arrived by owl post while you were changing your clothes. Apparently Oliver missed one.” Will settled back in his chair and crossed his arms. “So…La Forêt de la Magie?”

“Why Will, I didn’t know you spoke French.” Moonette’s desperate attempt at flattery fell flatter than the soufflé she’d attempted to make the week before.

Will uncrossed his arms and leaned forward. “I don’t. And neither do you. Just how do you expect to navigate wizard France when you don’t even know the language?”

“Well…peverell took French in school. And girlyswot took a year. She can even say “Je m'excuse d'être en retard.”

“Now I’m really worried.” Will shook his head.

“Well you shouldn’t be.” Moonette thought fast. “Megan knows French. Amamama speaks Norwench. And I’m sure the shopkeepers are multilingual. It’s a very well-known shopping center.”

“I’m going with you.”

“Will, you hate shopping.” Those words slipped out a little louder than intended, and a few of the patrons sitting close to them began to stare.

“I’m going with you.”

Moonette looked around self-consciously as more people turned to watch. She needed to put an end to this conversation before they disrupted everyone’s meals.

She whispered, “All right. But you can’t complain that you’re bored or tired.”

“Tired, yes. Bored trying to take care of you during one of your schemes? Never.”

* * * * *

The next day Moonette found her fingers intertwined with Will’s as that familiar pulling sensation of Portkey travel began. She just had time to see Will give her an encouraging smile before she became lost in the flurry of wind and lights and colors. And then it was over. And unlike the usual Portkey travel when she had found herself sprawled indelicately on the ground in some field, today she ended up sitting comfortably in a plush leather sofa. Will was sitting next to her and flashed her a look that said ‘So far so good.’

As she blinked a few times and took a look around, an attractive witch in silk robes cut well above the knee walked up to her and Will and asked them a question in French. Moonette shook her head. “I’m sorry. I don’t speak French.”

The witch nodded. “Welcome to ze Lorizelle. You have arrived to our monetary exchange center. Do you wish to exchange money?”

Moonette nodded, then gave Will a smug look, whispering, "I told you the language wouldn't be a problem."

Will leaned over and whispered back, "We'll see." He looked totally unconvinced.

“You are number 237.” She handed Moonette a small ticket. “May I bring you something to drink while you wait? Café perhaps? A glass of wine?”

Moonette shrugged her shoulders. “A café au lait sounds wonderful.” She leaned towards Will. “See? I do know a little French.”

Will smirked and asked for a glass of water.

A short time later Moonette had a purse full of French wizarding coins and a slight caffeine buzz from the café au lait. She turned excitedly to Will. “Let’s go see this place. We have a little time before the group is scheduled to arrive, and I need to make arrangements for Amamama’s gift.”

They stepped from the elegantly furnished monetary exchange center into a large cobbled square. The air was clear and thick with the scent of pine, the sky overhead a startling blue without a cloud in sight. Well-dressed patrons ambled about, most carrying packages. Tall trees lined the square and nestled in between were numerous shops, most three stories high and timber framed, giving almost a storybook feel. Almost all of them had large picture windows on the bottom floor, with elegant displays of the merchandise to be found inside. Shop-lined cobblestone alleys led from the square in several places, all with steady streams of patrons walking in and out. The square itself had wonderfully quaint coffee tables and chairs and waiters bustled about serving food and drink from several restaurants lining it. If one looked up, rows of majestic tree tops behind the shops faded into the distance - the great magical forest of France.

Moonette squeezed Will’s hand. She couldn’t wait to meet her friends and get started.


Have at it, everyone! *grins* And big thanks to Hazel for the name of the shopping center and its description.
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