Glee Top 108 - #076 "Push It"

Jul 14, 2010 14:54

Going to work my way through the 108 songs, hopefully one per day. This includes all 100 released singles, whether they appeared on the show or not, as well as 8 which were not, over the course of season 1. It was difficult for me to play favorites and put them all in some order, it’s just not something I’m comfortable at doing, but then I DID want to do it, so I buckled down and now here we are.

(075) - (077)

Ah, the first time we saw thinking outside the box on their own. There was DSB before, but this is different. Of course it did get them in trouble, but they did it. And in the end it probably did help.

The audience was part of the game, too. Will, initially all proud, then WTF-ing all over the place. Sue’s all ‘what is this fuckery,’ especially at others’ reactions. Rose-cheeked Quinn, looking at Finn up there. Emma, bopping her cute self, once again (YAY, GLEE! GLEE KIDS, HURRAY!) And Figgins, swaying like this is a great ballad. Jacob all ‘there be funny business in my pants’ (YEEES!) Puck’s grump face at…

Poor Finn, he’s all into it, and then he sees his friends looking… still not secure in his gleekitude. Kurt’s moves, oh my flippin’ god! And Pimp!Artie! You go, Pimp!Artie, four for you! Rachel, well we hadn’t seen this side of the Berry before! Tina and Mercedes looking all badass, too… They were so funny, the lot of them… not realizing the slight inappropriate nature of their number… Maybe I’m a big ol’ prude, but it did make me slightly uncomfortable ;) But, hey, it’s a love fest! And it got people’s attention, some better than others.


music: glee top 108, tv show: glee

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