Glee Top 108 - #086 "Leaving On A Jetplane"

Jul 14, 2010 13:39

Going to work my way through the 108 songs, hopefully one per day. This includes all 100 released singles, whether they appeared on the show or not, as well as 8 which were not, over the course of season 1. It was difficult for me to play favorites and put them all in some order, it’s just not something I’m comfortable at doing, but then I DID want to do it, so I buckled down and now here we are.

(085) - (087)

Oh thank you, Director’s Cut, for bringing us this here number! Now this is the kind of song I love to hear from our good ol’ Schue! It’s such a simple little moment, in the still of the auditorium… the call of the instrument… He sits… and he just starts… it’s so soft and sad… it’s the world he’s wanted and he finally had it, but now he’s being forced to leave it for obligation’s sake…

Oh, and Emma… Our poor girl with the impossible feelings… She’s so filled with yearning, but can’t yet do a thing about it. And when she hears he’s leaving, because of the baby, she’s just frozen there, trapped… she’s gonna lose him and can’t stop it.

Then his song is over, and he has to accept it’s over, leave the stage for good… Sure, we know it’ll all be good in the end, but HE doesn’t know that… so sad…


music: glee top 108, tv show: glee

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