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Apr 15, 2005 22:52

well its been awhile since i have updated. Alot has happened, which i will fail to update on. I'll just do an update about the week, then in depth of today. Monday was pretty good, Tuesday was bad Meagan didnt come to school, i was sad, i did go to a concert tuesday night. Wednesday I felt like crap because of the concert. Thursday was pretty good, went and got more guitar strings, and finnally today. Today started off differntly, i slept in because my sis was home and could take me later than my mom. I went to school, found out that Ryan had gotten arrested, and he told me the details, and i told him how to get out of it. Went and made the announcments, which went pretty well. Went to 1st hour, did my homework from the previous night, turned it in late, she didnt do anything about it ( and Adam P. pointed out the fact that she never does anything when i turn stuff in late, he was mad) Then we went to the assembly, and that was ok. Mason gave us 7 minutes to get to class, so i didnt want to waste it, i just hung around the hall and tried to waste 7 minutes. I Went to 2nd, he started off talking about giving us classwork , but we convinced him to let us go to the shop ( where Adam P. and I never do anything but play around with the equipment. ) So then my sis came and gave me some money, she didnt stick around long at all. 2nd hour ended , went to 3rd, saw that Meagan still wasnt there, i started to Kim's history homework ( because i love history) and then i practiced the play for the first half, right before one of my scenes Meagan walked in, and I was really happy, I couldnt go talk to her, because i was about to go on. Finished the play, went and talked to Meagan for a while. Then we went to lunch, I sold the stuff with Westley, did that for a little while, and then went to lunch. Intresting conversation ensued. Went back to class, and we didnt do anything with the play, so i talked to Meagan for the rest of the time. 3rd ended. walked Meagan to her locker, went to 4th, Ms Mac said that nobody could leave because she had to have a serious conversation with us, she told us we needed to calm down, and not disrupt classes so much, and that we cant use any more wheeled devices because of the wheel chair incident. I just told her i didnt care about the wheel chair, because we got a great movie out of it, and thats all that mattered to me. Then she told me i needed to edit because my film was late anyway, so i did, i couldnt stop laughing at the footage we filmed. I got about half of it done. Ended a little early, and just sat around. School ended. Met Meagan at her locker, walked her to her car, talked for a little while. Walked back, talked to Bryan for like a second. Went back and talked to Pat for a long time, my sis got there and then went to talk to ms Wiant. So I talked to Pat for the next 2 hours. Mr Mason asked us what we were doing so I told him we were protesting, to keep french. That reminds me Thursday afternoon, I had a heart to heart with Maroney and updated him on my life. He told me they were probablly going to cut french, and therefore cut him. I was really sad/pissed off. Anyway I came home today, and I felt really sick, I took a nap. Was awoken by the smoke alarm ( my dad was cooking) and then a few minutes later, Kim/ Meagan called, still a little confused because i had just woke up. Talked for a while then they went to go eat. I played guitar for a long time, wrote some music. watched tv, sang some rolling stones, which blew my voice out, and i have a show tommarow. So now i think i'm going to go to bed. Have to get up early.
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