(no subject)

May 30, 2010 00:46

I was happily watching the beginning and thinking, Gee, when is Arthur Darvill getting his name in the credits?


The episode itself was full of some little deus ex machina moments (Amy will be vivisected! Oh, no, nevermind, I've got better things to do. You'll all be shot! Oh, no, here comes somebody, let's wait.) that were all building up to that final bit where you knew something was actually, finally going to happen.

Even more important, however, than the SUPER INTENSE death of Rory (which I don't believe will be permanent, since the ring didn't disappear and obviously the Prisoner Zero business wasn't undone) is OMG TARDIS PIECES. I was shocked and offended enough when the dream TARDIS was blown up in Amy's Choice -- I don't think I could deal with her destruction. Clearly she won't be destroyed forever, but since the death scenes in this season have been very drawn out I worry that we'll watch her crumble into pieces. Not cool!

Some other random thoughts:

- Human bacteria is helping keep the Doctor alive. That explains a lot.
- So did Alaya die from a heart attack due to the taster? Why didn't Rory, who is a nurse, try to resuscitate her?
- At that "who speaks for the apes?" I wanted somebody to say, "I am the Lorax!"
- How cute is that peace treaty talk? So cute. And I love that the Doctor keeps mentioning that these are only the first talks. He doesn't expect things to change in an instant, but he knows they can make progress. Aw.
- Nasreen is the coolest. I absolutely think that the Doctor needs to just skip ahead a thousand years, pick her up and have her as a full-time companion. They can share black jeans and boots! Geologist/Time Lord dress code!
- That kid is pretty endearing, too, especially for having nothing to do.

Next week: Van Gogh time! Love it!

You know, this is why I usually wait until shows have ended their runs before I get obsessed with them. It saves me a lot of waiting.
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