(no subject)

Jan 30, 2010 22:51

In project news: the Flatmate, aka Katie, was cast in the play I'm costuming! This is wonderful: we've been friends for about five and a half years and have never worked on a project together. We only had one class in college, and though we both worked in the Costume Shop, I don't recall that we ever actually worked shifts (officially) at the same time. And yet somehow we ended up as Hetero Life Mates (my favorite of her nicknames). We are a married couple. Except not. Her family thinks this term of endearment is hilarious.

Today was my last day at the store before it closes for good. I spent seven hours packing boxes with smaller boxes. Bennington College taught me how to pack, that's for sure. All that moving around finally comes in handy for something! My boss was on the phone with the manager at another store and described my actions as, "like playing Tetris with shoe boxes".

And now, off to home to do some more show planning and watch some Battlestar Galactica with K! Tomorrow I need to: read The Picture of Dorian Gray for book club, find some solderless breadboards somewhere, prototype, prep a budget for the show, job hunt, call some people about some admissions stuff and then hang out with a friend from high school. Yes. Good. I need to type things in order to remember. Annnnnd, I'm off!
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