2009 Books Year in Review

Jan 20, 2010 17:54

(For the purpose of this chart I made gross simplifications, like putting both Manual of Detection and Yiddish Policemen's Union into "detective", and assuming the Jane Eyre and Little Women are general fiction, whereas The Three Musketeers is historical, since it is set before the publication date. Timeline, however, is sci-fi, while Jungle Book is fantasy. Easily the least reliable chart.)

These take into account each reading as a separate occasion. For example, I read An Abundance of Katherines twice, and so it counts as two books by John Green, two books published in 2006, etc.

There may be a few missing, since I'm positive I read Canticle for Leibowitz and I'm pretty sure A Spot of Bother was during the last calendar year. Reading all of Twilight definitely skewed some things, that's for sure.
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