What a relief!

Dec 09, 2008 14:52

Whew, been writing my fingers off. It’s hard core snowing lately, so being the home body I am during the winter, it’s a good time to work indoors. I’m still waiting on and answer about the lesbian cowgal anthology (I am still hopeful  ), and I’ve finished four more submissions in the meantime. One story is a light fetish piece for the RAW theme sheets Phaze is doing. Another story is for a charity anthology in support of Lambda Legal fight against Prop 8. The third story is one for the Queer Wolf call that was a ton of fun to do. The last one I just completed today is another charity piece for the most recent Coming Together call. I also heard back from a horror anthology I submitted to saying they misplace my submission and would I please resend. Of course I did, so hoping to hear good news from them, too.

Next project is either an attempt at the “Creamy” theme call Ellora’s Cave is holding, and/or the Summer sensations theme story for Total-e-bound. Both I’m not certain about, one because neither seemed interested in f/f or f/f/m, and the fact I have a submission still in with EC that’s been there for nearly a year and I know they are very backlogged. I’m not sure what that means for the anthology calls. Maybe those are separate editors and don’t take as long. We’ll see what the muse says to me when I sit down to write tomorrow.

On a side note, two of the four foster kittens were adopted out this weekend, and a family is interested in the other sister too, it seems. Both home are very good people with possitive energy to them. It's very exciting!

Peace out all!

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