Tonight's Omen

Feb 02, 2011 20:07


(Are the Gods pleased with these sacrifices) Dolphin = this is basically a card about life force and sacred breath. It’s about relaxing, releasing tension, finding stillness not boredom. Dolphin is also connected to the Dreamtime, which is a huge part of my natural magics and inspiration/creativity. Dolphin is also messenger to the Gods as well as a reminder to be a bridge, a link ourselves. Not a bad card to draw if I want to know if they are pleased with their offerings.

(What do the Gods ask from me) Bear = is also one connected to the Dreaming, but as a source of knowledge. Bear is a card of introspection, of quieting out mind and exploring what we know, what we feel. It’s very much a female energy, visionaries, channelers, mystics, empaths. It’s about trusting your intuition… Okay I got the hint lol. Stop asking if I am doing everything right, just do it.

(What do the gods offer in return) Dog (inverted) = basically dog in the reverse means the Gods are going to keep challenging me and pushing me even past what I think I can do. All of this for the purpose of showing me what I am truly capable of…yeah that’s less than comforting…

omens, Moondancer’s DP Journal

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