Tonight's Ritual

Feb 02, 2011 18:38

Preparing the shrine…

I am including the workings of the ritual I did below, and also some footnotes about things I would change, choices made, etc… I thought it might be interesting, as well as something I could look back on for future rituals. Keep in mind some changes were made because I am snowed in and can’t get certain supplies I needed. I’m sure what I have is what I need anyways. I don’t think I’m going to try to do my Imbolc in the same evening as was my first plan, but I have a few days leeway to work something up now that my shrine is ready. There are also notes where the ritual was changed due to the “audience” urging me to do or not do something. I did ask for guidance, so I can’t complain.


After a ritual bath of salts, peppermint, and ginger (1) I stand before my shrine robed and bare of feet (2).

I picture the image of the world tree in my mind, I am the tree. Breath in 1…2…3…4…5…6. Hold 1…2…3…4…5…6. Out 1…2…3…4…5…6. My roots reach deep into the earth. Breath in 1…2…3…4…5…6. Hold 1…2…3…4…5…6. Out 1…2…3…4…5…6. I raise my arms, my branches, branches the reach toward the heavens. Breath in 1…2…3…4…5…6. Hold 1…2…3…4…5…6. Out 1…2…3…4…5…6. (3)

Reach. Stretch. Grow. Breath in 1…2…3…4…5…6. Hold 1…2…3…4…5…6. Out 1…2…3…4…5…6. I repeat the chant and breathing until I feel myself centered, at calm, balanced between the upper and lower realms, between the deep and the heavens. My breathing continues slow and soft throughout, in balance as I am. I take the clay yoni necklace (4) and place it round my neck, signaling it is time to begin my workings.

Danu, Earth Mother, your child calls to you. Stand with me in my workings as I prepare my devotional shrine. I bade you be patient with my errors, and know that I honor you here and always. I pray to you, Great Queen, she of many names, watch over your daughter as she journeys into the mysteries of her deeper self. Please accept my offering. May this water nourish you as you nourish our community.

Pour the portion of sacred well water upon the ground round the world tree. (5)

I stand here in my sacred place, preparing the way for future workings for the good of myself, my family, and my community. My home shrine is ready, but needs to be consecrated, to be blessed as my power center, my sanctuary, my safe haven where all my magical workings may begin.

I take my clay bowl from the table nearby, holding the melted snow water (6). As I speak these words I sprinkle the water over my well, my cup, and my offering bowl for the ancestors.

I offer this place of remembrance, in honor of the ancestors, and ask only for their blessing to cast away ill will from this place of sacred work.

I sprinkle the water over each of the remaining tools on my shrine and then as I pour the remaining water into my well I say these words.

I honor the keepers of the histories, I honor the elders and the young ones alike who have passed on to the lowerlands.
You are not forgotten.
I seek your council, your wisdom, your stories, that I might understand what has come before and learn from it.

Beloved Morrigan, guardian of the deepest mysteries. She who’s raven has been my guide when I needed direction the most, I ask you stand guardian now over my workings of devotion as I continue the path you have guided me upon and enter the next stage of my journey. Please accept my offering.

I cast two pieces (7) of silver jewelry findings into the well. (8)

Bitheadh e mar sin. (bithead e mar shin)

I set the bowl aside and pick up the silver candleholder with my white candle (9), lighting it before bringing the fire to the shrine. Once at the shine I move the flame in a circle clockwise over my fire hallow, my hearth, my offering bowl, my trigoddess, and I say the following words.

Shining Ones. I offer this place of worship, and ask only for your blessing, and to cast away ill will from this place of sacred work.

I encircle the air above each of the remaining items on the shrine and then starting with the maiden light each of the sacred candles, beginning with the white.

Artisans in the sky, I honor you. Shining Ones, keepers of the Way from beyond the boundaries of history and time itself, I honor you.
Though the faithful are few our voices sing your praises with all our heart.
I seek your council, your guidance, your omens, that I might understand what power burns within me and how to use that power in service of you and the faithful that may need my strength in these troubled times.

On the eve of Brigid, at the new moon in the month of my birth I set these beginnings in motion, open and willing to give myself to the journey eyes open, and heart full of anticipation. To the fire I offer remnants of my past to lighten my load toward the future, may their ashes feed my creativity.

The items (10) chosen are feed to the fire of the three candles one by one. (11)

Bitheadh e mar sin.

I bring the candle to the hearth, and use the flame to light the sage (12) within the bowl resting in the iron caldron. The candle is then placed in the tri-goddess holder.

Spirits of the all that dwells within center. I offer this place of gathering and unity, and ask only for your blessing to cast away ill will from this place of sacred work.

I take the bowl from the hearth and using a large smudging feather I direct the smoke over my Dragon Tree (my world tree), my mortar and pestle, and the hearth itself and say these words.

Within the center of all things there are the spirits of growth and change, shapers of the seasons and nurturers of the wild, beings of creation and destruction. I honor you all, and ask that you in return honor and bless this sacred space

I guide the smoke over each of the remaining shrine tools before returning by attention to center.

On the edge of the new moon I mark my beginnings here, my first faltering steps into the way of the druid. May each word, action, and thought be filled with honorence and respect. I pledge my strength, my wisdom, my service to my community as a warrior, as a healer, and a visionary. As I learn and grow I will continue to use all knowledge and skill I gain in benefit of my community, even when it means revealing hard truths, or facing my own fear to care for their needs. In unity we are free.
Bitheadh e mar sin.

I place the burning herbs in the hearth and allow the smoke to fill the small room until the herbs burn out. I return to the breathing in six, in, hold out, using the meditation of the grove tree to firmly connect me to the upper, the lower, and balanced, my trunk, my heart within center.

Ancestors of this land (13), those that hail from far away places or near, this is my place of sacred workings.
Shining Ones, mothers and fathers of my hearth cultures or of those of my community, this is my place of sacred workings.
Spirits of the Mid-realm, beloved keepers of the wild things, this is my place of sacred workings.
This tree is I, my soul its heartwood, my branches reach to the heavens, my roots sink deep into the lower realm.
The Tree, the Fire, the Well.
All are here and ready within me, within this space.
All that I have ever been is here.
All I am is here.
All that I will be is here.

The Tree, the Well, the Fire
Within and Without
This sacred place had been blessed.
Glorious Mother Danu, I thank you for standing witness and for your blessings.
Honored Morrigan, I think for standing as my watcher and guide for these workings.
I offer thanks to all who have joined me here to witness and to aid in this beginnings and
I declare this rite ended. Go in peace.
Bitheadh e mar sin.

Candles are blown out and the room is left in dark and silence. A firm ending.

1) The scent of the herbs I find stimulating to help me focus on my task. The salt I think of as purification.
2) I never ritual wearing shoes if I can help it, the connection to the earth is important for really feeling the grove meditation I do. The robe? Well, with kids that can at times pop upstairs without warning, I can’t really do the ritual naked, besides the fact it’s cold up there, but it feels right to make myself more vulnerable (less clothed) then I normally would be doing ritual. The robe was a good compromise to that.
3) Okay, honestly I am finding the holding of the breath for the 6 counts distracting, while the breathing in 6 and out six feels natural for me. I might try it another way next time.
4) I need to find a new lamen/medallion and robe, but what I have now worked okay. I guess I just feel as if these are not the perfect tools for the path I am on. A pair of silver scissors would be great for trimming wicks and such too. I’m sure I will find what is right when I need to for today.
5) I would prefer a food offering, but being snowed in we’re a little short on anything suitable for that.
6) This was to be mixed with the sacred waters of ritual and of community places I had saved, but I couldn’t get the little blue bottle open, so I took that as a hint that I was supposed to use just the melted snow I gathered. I added sea salt to the water in the clay bowl in a six ring spiral to add to the connection to the water and the sea.
7) I admit I am still learning about Celtic traditions around death rites, but when I think of going to the underworld I always think of payment due. Also I know about crows/ravens and their love of shiny things.
8) At this I was inspired to further my message to the Morrigan, offering my own private oath in dedication to her and her guidance. I can’t remember exactly what I said, something about a hardheaded student needing a teach who won’t put up with her shit.
9) I used white as a symbol for new beginnings, openness of what is to come.
10) The items are not listed her because they are private to my personal needs for the workings. They are all small, burn or at least melt, and chosen at that moment guided by Her urgings. The ashes and pieces that remained will be fed to earth.
11) At this point I feel I must do an Omen, but I didn’t have anything ready to do one. In the room I found my deck of Medicine cards I haven’t used in years and pull three cards. I well talk later about what this message told me.
12) I had planned to use a mixture of sage, mugwort, and sweetgrass, herbs sacred to the spirit of this land, but I couldn’t find my supply, and being snowed in I couldn’t go get more.
13) This is where I fell the need to sing the remaining words…all the way up until after “All that I will be is here.”

Moondancer’s DP Journal, ritual work

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