Okay, besides sending out several request for reviews (anyone have suggestions good places for pagan/lesbian fiction to be reviewed?), I managed to add a personal appearance to my list of promo action, so here’s where you can come to hear me read, talk, whatnot so far.
April 9th beginning at 11:30 pm on Blog Talk Radio
Readings in Les and Bi Women's Erotic Fiction."
Online reading and interview
April 24th - 26th
Odyssey Con IX Madison, WI Readings and panels scheduled
May 22nd - 25th
Wiscon 32 Madison WI Readings and panels scheduled
Sunday, June 7th, 2pm (thanks to my friend for making setting this up so much easier than I feared)
A Room of One's Own Feminist Bookstore 307 W. Johnson St. Madison, WI 53703
Reading scheduled (any other Madison local author friends want in on this one? I think Nell Stark is up that way)
I’m still looking for more review sites, places to do guest blog, or whatever else might bring more folks over to check out my work. For those of you out there still needing their Ancestral Magic fix, remember you can get it online through
Starcrossed productions or from you favorite neighborhood bookstore. Never forget, if you don’t support your local indy bookstores, they won’t be there when you need them to be.